The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), referre to as the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), is a top public research university with international reputation in Asia, with research, biomeical science, information science, economics an finance, Key research areas such as geoinformation an geosciences are worl-class acaemic centers, an it is the only university in Hong Kong with Nobel Prize, Fiels Meal an Turing Awar-winning irectors. With the mission of "combining traition an moernity, an integrating China an the West", the school is characterize by the acaemy system an both Chinese an English bilingualism. Member of the Association, the first AACSB certifie member in Asia, an the location of the Hong Kong Internet Exchange. The Chinese University of Hong Kong was forme by the merger of New Asia College, Chung Chi College an Unite College in 1963; in 1966, the first research institute in Hong Kong was establishe; in 1976, the epartments of ifferent colleges were integrate, an the university was in charge; Reviewe the course structure, switche to the creit system, an strengthene general eucation; in 1998, it took the lea in amitting mainlan unergrauates; in 2014, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) was establishe. The establishment of the Chinese University of Hong Kong broke the iron rule that only one university was allowe to exist in the colonies of the British Empire. At the same time, it set off the Chinese movement in Hong Kong an successfully ene the monopoly of English as the official language. One of the symbols of ecolonization has a certain significance of the times. As a leaing institution of higher learning in Hong Kong an even in Asia an the main position of contemporary Neo-Confucianism, CUHK has gathere a large number of acaemic giants such as Qian Mu, Lin Yutang, Jao Tsung-I, Yang Zhenning, etc., an traine historians Yu Yingshi, mathematician Qiu Chengtong, banker Zheng Haiquan an others Represente outstaning talents from all walks of life.
四、电子商务专业职业分析和岗位分析1、电子商务专业的职业分析由于计算机技术和网络技术的应用与普及,在各个领域中都需要相关计算机专业的专门人才,而电子商务的应用能力的专门人才对于我国加入WTO后,需求量会急剧加大。据有关专家预测,我国在未来10年大约还需要200万名电子商务专业人才。该类人才必须精通外语、懂得基本经贸理论及计算机网络技术基本知识,掌握电子商务技术与政策法规,了解开展电子商务活动的基本流程,具有现代经营意识和战略眼光。 2、电子商务专业的岗位分析电子商务的专业人才可从事以下相关岗位的工作:(1)从事基本的文字、表格、数据计算的处理及与此相关的计算机基础操作的岗位;(2)从事计算机网络商务活动的岗位;(3)从事与商务活动有关的计算机管理的岗位;(4)从事企业网络营销的岗位;(5)从事网络公司的网页设计与制作的岗位;(6)从事海关、商检、税务、金融、保险、政权的行业的电子商务活动的相关工作;(7)从事政府机关有关的电子政务工作。
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