Do you like the weather in your country?
What kin of weather o you like most?
Have you been to a place that’s got a weather ifferent from where you live?
Do you think people who live in a place with goo weather are happier?
What kin of weather o you like?
Do you prefer wet weather or ry weather?
Does it rain often in China? Do you like it?
What kin of weather is typical in your hometown?
Do you want to live in another place where the weather is totally ifferent?
Do people o the same sports in ifferent seasons?
Getting lost
Have you ever lost your way?
How can you fin your way when you are lost?
Do you get nervous when you have lost your way ?
Can you rea a map when you get lost?
Have you ever helpe someone who got lost?
leisure time
What o you o with your leisure time
Do you have lots of time to hang out with friens
What are some of the activities you o with others
Do you think leisure activities are important
TV program
Do you often watch programs on the tv or on your cellphone?
Di you watch too much tv when you were a chil ?
Do you like the tv program you enjoy watching as a chil ?
What kin of TV programs o you enjoy watching ?
Do you enjoy watching tv?
Do you like watching the same kin of program all the time?
Do you talk with your friens about the program you watche
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