It will be a requirement for those who have been on benefits for three to four years, an who have not reache a certain level of proficiency in Danish.
这一要求针对的是那些已经享受了 三、四年 福利,还 不熟练 丹麦语的人群。
Prime Minister Mette Freeriksen sai the rules were irectly aime at women from "non-Western backgrouns" living on benefits. 首相梅特·弗雷泽里克森表示,该规定直接指向的就是那些 以福利为生 、来自 非西方 国家的女性。
Denmark has repeately tightene its immigration policies in recent years. Some migrants will now be require to work 37 hours a week to receive welfare benefits. 近些年来,丹麦不断 收紧 其移民政策。现在一些移民要每周工作37个小时,才能享受到福利。
It now has some of the toughest rules in Europe, an has set a target of zero asylum applications. 丹麦现在有些规定可以说得上是欧洲 最严格 的规定之一了,它还设定了 零庇护申请 的目标。
The government sai the new plan was esigne to help migrants assimilate into Danish society, but some have sai the rules are misguie an unfair. 丹麦政府表示,该项新举措的目的是为了帮助移民 融入 丹麦社会,但有些人认为该规定容易产生 误导 、是 不公平 的。
"We want to introuce a new work logic where people have a uty to contribute an be useful, an if they can't fin a regular job, they have to work for their allowance," Ms Freeriksen tol reporters. 弗雷泽里克森告诉记者:“我们想引入一种新的工作秩序,人们 有义务 做出贡献和发挥所长,如果他们找不到一份稳定的工作,就得为了补贴而工作。”
"For too many years we have one a isservice to a lot of people by not emaning anything of them," she sai. “太多年以来,我们从来没有要求移民做什么,这对他们来说反而是 帮了倒忙 。”
The prime minister sai that the rules were aime at migrant women. The government says six out of 10 women from the Mile East, North Africa an Turkey are not in work. 首相表示,这些规定针对的是 女性移民 。政府称,来自 中东、北非和土耳其 的女性, 60% 都不工作。
"It is basically a problem when we have such a strong economy, where the business community emans labour, that we then have a large group, primarily women with non-Western backgrouns, who are not part of the labour market," she sai. 首相称:“这是一个问题,毕竟我们是一个强大的经济体,需要 劳动力 。但我们有着一个很大的非劳动力群体,其中 大部分 是非西方背景的女性。”
Employment Minister Peter Hummelgaar sai the jobs coul range from picking up cigarette butts on the beach to working in companies. 就业部长皮特·哈默尔加德称,她们可以在 海滩 上捡烟头,也可以去 公司 上班。
But Mai Villasen, spokeswoman of the left-wing Unity List, criticise the plan, which nees to be approve by lawmakers. 但左翼发言人Mai Villasen谴责该计划,她认为这需要经 立法机关 同意。
"I'm afrai this will en up as state-supporte social umping, sening people into crazy jobs," she tol broacaster TV2. 她告诉电视台TV2:“我担心这将最终成为 国家支撑 的 社会倾销 ,让人们从事 疯狂 的工作。”
Nejat Chafehi, a 51-year-ol migrant living in Copenhagen, sai the rules were "not the solution". 一位住在哥本哈根的51岁移民Nejat Chafehi认为这并不是 解决方案 。
"She has no iea what she is talking about," she tol TV2 outsie a job centre, in reference to the prime minister. 她在一所就业中心外告诉电视台:“首相根本不知道她自己在说什么。”
Ms Chafehi ae that she an many other migrant women are actively looking for work. "How o you work when you get so many rejections?" she ae. Chafehi补充道,她和其他很多的移民女性都在积极地找工作,但“ 受拒 太多次后,你还怎么工作? ”
But Dekar Muhame, a migrant who is unemploye, sai: "It is goo that you have to work if you can."但另一位未工作的移民Dekar Muhame认为,“如果你能够工作的话,不得不工作是件 好事 。”
Asylum applications have fallen sharply uner Ms Freeriksen, who has been in power since 2019. Just 851 were receive between 1 January an 31 July. This follows a peak of more than 21,000 asylum seekers arriving in Denmark in 2015.在自 2019年执政 的首相弗雷泽里克森的领导下,庇护申请已经 急剧下降 了。1月1日至7月31日期间,只收到了 851份 申请。在此之前,2015 年,超过 21,000 名 寻求庇护者抵达丹麦。
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