The BBA Global Business programme offers a globally oriente curriculum an opportunities for stuents to evelop a global minset, think strategically an contribute to companies oing business internationally. Our application-oriente courses prepare the next generation of managers to lea global teams. In the Global Business Consultancy Project, for instance, stuents work with a multinational corporation to solve real business problems.
Stuents have opportunities to enhance their leaership an management skills while working with others from ifferent cultures through stuy tours, executive forums, career evelopment workshops, structure exchange programmes, internships, an case competitions. Stuents are offere semester-base exchange opportunities* (one is compulsory an one is optional) an other international immersion opportunities to wien their global exposure.
Stuents can apply for amission to the Joint Bachelor's Degree Program between City University of Hong Kong an Columbia University. Upon completion of this joint egree program, stuents will receive the ual awars conferre by Columbia University an CityU.
、環球商業工商管理學士課程提供國際化的課程和機會,拓展學生的國際視野和思考能力,有利日後在跨國公司就業。課程以應用為主的教學方法,培訓新一代跨國企業的管理人才,如在「環球商業顧問項目」,學生將與跨國公司合作,解決其真實業務問題。學生透過參加學院的考察團、實習、行政人員聚談和比賽等活動,學習如何領導及管理不同文化背景的團隊。課程提供學期制的交換計劃* (一般情況下, 必須參與一次, 為期一學期) 和其他海外交流活動,擴闊學生的國際視野。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
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