1.移花接木大法 最重要:
Task -2 每道题目 先 想中文 思路, 会写的可以跳过,不会写的动笔写 ~
如果考到相似题目即可作为素材使用 ;
2. 考前 最短时间冲刺,扩充不同题目的
⑴ 观点 ⑵ 论证角度 ⑶ 词汇 和表达
最后 , 机经的 作用只是 锦上添花 而不能拯救你于水火, 踏实 复习提升 能力 才是王道,祝大家屠鸭成功 ~
本预测 根据雅思 写作 题库的话题分类和出题规律,精选出 以下真题, 供同学们 练习 !
Newspapers have great influence on people’s opinions an ieas. What are the reasons of the phenomenon an analyze the positive an negative effects of the phenomenon?
News meia are important in moern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?
Foreign tourists shoul be charge more than local people when visiting the local historical an cultural tourist attractions. To what extent o you agree or isagree?
Difference between countries are becoming less evient recently. People can see the same films, brans, fashion, avertisements an TV channels. To what extent o isavantage outweigh avantages? ( 20160109 )
In the past, cultural an historical relics were store in museums. But now, people can see them freely with the internet. Some people believe that museums are no longer neee in the future. To what extent o you agree or isagree?
Some people think eveloping countries shoul invite foreign companies to open branches, offices an factories to promote their economies. Others say that they shoul keep the foreign companies out an epen more on their own local companies. Describe both views an give your opinion.
A recent newspaper article reports that a 14-year-ol boy who seriously estroye his school got a punishment to clean streets instea of sent to the prison, o you think this is right? Or the young criminals shoul be sent to the jail.(20160114)
Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while other people think it is a goo iea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views an give your own opinion.
Human activities have negative effect on plant an animal species. Some people think it is too late to o anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views an give your opinion.(20160218)
Since money for postgrauate research is limite, some people think financial support from the government shoul only be provie for scientific research rather than the research for less useful subjects. To what extent o you agree or isagree?
Some people believe the best way to upgrae social security is to allow people to own weapons like guns. To what extent o you agree or isagree?
Some people think health care shoul be free for everyone, while others think they shoul pay meical costs for themselves. Discuss both sies an give your own opinion.(20160319)
Many countries spen a lot of money preparing competitors to take part in major sports competitions such as the Olympic, Worl Cup etc. Some people think that it woul be better to spen this money to encourage chilren to take part in sports at a young age. To what extent o you agree or isagree?
Some people believe countries have moral obligation to help each other, others worry about the ai money cannot get to the poor of this worl. Discuss both sies an give your own opinion.(20160521)
In some countries, more an more aults choose to continue to live with their parents after they grauate an have foun jobs. Do the avantages of this tren outweigh its isavantages?
The leaers or irectors of organi z ations are often oler people. But some people say that young people can also be a leaer. Do you agree or isagree?
( 20150110 )
Many people think cheap air travel shoul be encourage because it gives orinary people freeom to travel further. However, others think this leas to environmental problem, so air travel shoul be more expensive in orer to iscourage people from having it. Discuss both views an give your own opinion.
Some people think the best way to improve roa safety is to increase the minimum legal age for riving cars an motorcycles. To what extent o you agree or isagree?
Young people who commit crimes shoul be treate in the same way as aults by authorities. To what extent o you agree or isagree?(20150425)
Some people believe arts such as painting an music cannot irectly improve the quality of people’s lives so that government money shoul be spent on other things. To what extent o you agree or isagree?
Traffic an accommoation problems are increasing an government shoul encourage some businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Does avantage outweigh the isavantages? ( 20150613)
School leavers go travelling or work before they go irectly to university. Are there more avantages or isavantage on their stuy? ( 20151107)
In some countries many young people choose to work or travel for a year between finishing high school an starting university stuies. Discuss the avantages an isavantages.
It is important for all towns an cities to have large public outoor places like squares an parks. To what extent o you agree or isagree? ( 20140315)
Some people think planning future is a waste of time an people shoul focus on the present. To what extent o you agree or isagree?
Some people believe that if a police force carries a gun, it will encourage higher levels of violence in the whole society. To what extent o you agree or isagree(20140607)
Some people think government shoul ban angerous sports an some others think it is a freeom to choose the activities we want to. Discuss both view an give your opinion.(20140809)
In some countries, governments are encouraging inustries an businesses to move out of large cities an into regional areas. Do you think the avantages of this evelopment outweigh its isavantages?
It is not necessary to travel to other p la ces to learn about the other culture. We can learn as much as from books, films an internet. to what extent fo r you agree or isagree?(20141018)
Some people think painting an rawings are as important as other subjects, they shoul be compulsory in high school eucation. Do you agree or isagree?(20141220)
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