Pre-entry Courses
The pre-entry programme is designed to help applicants with non-business degrees to get ready for their formal admission to the MAcc programme. It is normally offered during the period from mid-July to end of August.
The pre-entry programme includes seven courses as listed below:
Programme Curriculum First Semester (6 core courses, or 18 credits)
ACT 501 Auditing
ACT 502 Business and Company Law
ACT 503 Cost and Management Accounting
ACT 504 Financial Accounting and Reporting
ACT 505 Hong Kong Taxation and Tax Planning
ACT 506 Managerial Finance
Students need to complete the above six courses (18 credits) in the first semester with a cumulative GPA of 2.67 or above to receive PGDA intermediate award. The PGDA awardees are eligible to enroll in Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Qualification Programme. However, the final admission decision is subject to the approval of the HKICPA.
Second Semester (1 core course and 4 elective courses or 15 credits)
ACT 601 Accounting Theory Elective Courses (choose any four)*
ACT 602 Research Project in Accounting
ACT 604 China Taxation: An International Perspective
ACT 605 Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting
ACT 606 Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination
ACT 607 Financial Statement Interpretation and Analysis
ACT 608 The Economic Law of China
ACT 609 Advanced Auditing
ACT 610 Accounting Ethics and Corporate Governance
ACT 611 Comparative Legal Systems
ACT 612 Data Analytics for Accounting
ACT 613 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Issues in Business and Accounting
ACT 614 Financial Regulatory Environments of Hong Kong and Mainland China
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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