GIT(乔治亚理工学院)申请MS Analytics,不接受雅思成绩;
WUSTL(华盛顿圣路易斯大学)MS Business Analytics有先修课程的要求,包括微积分I和II、还有统计学;此外,国际生必须完成一个面试视频;(International applicants applying to Specialize Masters Programs must submit a vieo interview as part of the application process. Once you enter your citizenship information in the “personal ata” section on the application, a unique URL link will be sent to your email aress, within two to four hours, with instructions outlining the vieo submission process.)最后,Essay中要求讲述一个事例,你是如何利用数据或value的方法去解决复杂的问题的。(语言表述要尽量专业,详细)
(Toay’s companies are using ata to iscover insight an rive ecisions. Tell us how you use a values-base, ata-riven approach to solve complex problems.)
3. University of Rochester(罗彻斯特大学)的Business Analytics项目有两种,10个月的无实习项目和17个月的有实习项目,需要在申请的时候让学生选择;此外,该校对推荐信有新的要求,学校不再要求推荐信,但需要在申请中提供两个推荐人的基本信息,如有必要,学校会再联系推荐人进行信息核对或者索要推荐信,因此推荐信信息一定要准确,并且对你的申请情况比较了解。
(Simon no longer requires or accepts letters of recommenation. As part of the online application, you will be aske to supply contact information for two references. If the Amissions Committee ecies to contact either of your references, you will be notifie. We strongly suggest listing references that are familiar with you in a work/professional capacity.)
4. 哥伦比亚大学SPS学院的AA和ERM等专业要求申请19年秋季入学的母语非英语的学生提交语言成绩,要求为托福100分及以上,或雅思7.0分及以上;这意味着即便在美国读高中、本科的学生,也需要提供托福或雅思考试成绩;
(Please be avise that beginning with the Fall 2019 application cycle, applicants whose native language is not English are require to emonstrate proficiency in the English language by submitting official scores from either the TOEFL or IELTS. Please note that exceptions are not mae for applicants who have complete prior acaemic stuy within the Unite States. The exceptions information liste below is only applicable for those applying for amission in Spring 2019.)
The applicant has complete all coursework for an earne their unergrauate egree from an accreite institution in a country where English is the sole official language. Please note that grauate level work oes not exempt applicants from meeting this requirement. 英语作为唯一官方语言的国家完成了所有课业并拿到本科学位(不一定是美国,但要读满整个本科课程并拿到学位,而像香港这种英语不是唯一官方语言的地区,可能是不承认的,即使四年全英语授课)
The applicant has complete at least two years at an unergrauate U.S. institution or at an institution in a country where the sole official language is English an earne the unergrauate (or bachelor’s) egree at that institution. 在美国高校至少完成两年课业的学生(美国本新/转2年及以上学生),或者在英语作为唯一官方语言的国家至少完成两年课业并拿到本科学位的学生(比如加拿大两年本转毕业了)
5. UT Austin(德州大学奥斯丁分校)MSBA项目Essay1要求以Vieo形式提交,提交到YouTube上后把链接给文案。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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