加州大学的申请文书,是需要学生从学校给出的 8个问题中,自由选择四个问题进行回答,从不同角度对自己进行多方位的描述。这对于平时写一篇文书都很吃力的学生来说,加州大学的申请文书写起来无意是有难度的。
因此在申请的最后关头,为了让大家能把文书修改的更完美, 老师特意与国外招生官沟通 ,对加州大学Personal Insight Questions(个人陈述文书)的要求进行深入的解读,帮大家寻找写作灵感!
什么是「个人观点问题」?你在说什么?加州大学不接受普通形式的申请文书?!这是真的,但也你不必灰心丧气。你还是可以用同一篇文书来申请加州系统中的 9所学校,我会尽力帮你。
But what’s that? What i you say? UC oesn’t accept the Common App?! Yes, it’s true, but on’t eat your shirt. You can use the same UC app for any of the nine UC unergra programs, an I’m here to help.
那么我们有哪些需要解决的问题呢? 加州大学的申请系统提出了 8个问题,你需要从中选择4题作答,而且每一题的答案要控制在350个单词。 答案要求的字数确实不多,但也没有想象中那么少。正常情况写文书,当你写了 200多个单词,你就会想要把答案分成2-3段。
So what are we ealing with? The UC App gives us eight lovely prompts. We must choose four prompts to answer with a limit of 350 wors for each. These are short answers, but not that short. If you write over 200 wors, you will still want to break your response into two or three paragraphs.
这比普通的申请文书也简单了(普通申请文书的字数要求是 650个单词),而且简短的文书更加注重内容而非写作技巧。但于此同时,你也需要构思四个观点,而不是一个。这对于部分考生来说倒还好,但对于另一部分考生来说,就是件头疼的事情了。
This is EASIER than the Common App essay (650 wors) because the shorter essays focus more on content than writing skill. But you nee four essay ieas instea of one, which is fine for some stuents, but painful for others.
Two ways:
第一种,拿出一张纸,并标上从 1到8这8个数字。然后依次阅读问题,审题的同时,在对应的题号后面写下脑海中的观点或想法。看看哪些题目令你灵感突现?哪些题目令你激动不已?或者说,哪些题目至少没有令你无可奈何,痛苦不堪?迅速下笔,相信你的直觉。
First, get a sheet of paper an number it 1) through 8). Then rea through the 8 UC prompts. When you rea each prompt, write own any ieas or thoughts that pop into your hea. Which prompts i you have immeiate ieas about? Which prompts i you feel excite to write about? Or, at least, which prompts in’t make you groan? Do this fast an trust your instincts.
Secon, think about the experiences or qualities you want to emonstrate in your application. Then choose the prompts that will give you the best opportunity to write about those experiences an qualities.
Now let’s look at the prompts.
Describe an example of your leaership experience in which you have positively influence others, helpe resolve isputes, or contribute to group efforts over time.
Do you have a moment of leaership you coul tell a story about? Then chose this prompt! If you think you on’t, then think again. Leaership experiences coul inclue anything from organizing social events being the captain of a competitive e Sports team.
作答关键在于选择一个具体的经历,并通过讲故事的方式呈现出来。 不要盲目地列举自己的简历。相反,展示出其中的一个时刻,以此来展现出自己性格当中一些全新的东西。
The key is to choose a specific experience an tell it like a story. Don’t get lost listing your resume. Instea, show us a moment. Reveal something new about your character.
问题二:每个人都有创造性的一面,并且通过不同的方式体现出来:比如解决问题的能力、创新思维、甚至艺术方面等等。描述一下你是如何表现自己的创造性的 ?
Every person has a creative sie, an it can be expresse in many ways: problem solving, original an innovative thinking, an artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative sie.
如果你是一个充满艺术细胞的人,那选择这一题就是明智之举。但这一题几乎对于任何人来说都是一个优势。 尽量描写出你在解决一个困境时所采取的充满创造力的方法,或者展示你是如何解决一个工程或科学难题的。
If you’re an artistic person, this is a winning choice. But this question can be great for almost anyone. Try escribing a creative way you resolve a tough social situation, or explain your solution to an engineering or science problem.
Again, the best answers to this question won’t just TELL about creativity; instea they will SHOW that creativity. For example:
发动机在运转,车轮也在转动,但汽车却还一动不动。已经晚上 9点了,我们却还陷在距离市区数英里的泥地中。为了远足,我和朋友们筹划了整整一周,但现在我们沾满烂泥,筋疲力尽,无比沮丧。我们已经竭尽全力 …(接下来作者就将描述,他是如何运用充满创造力的方式把汽车移出泥潭的)。
The engine revve, the wheels spun, but the car in’t move. It was 9:00 at night, we were miles from the city, an we were stuck in eep mu. My friens an I ha planne all week to go hiking that night, but now we were muy, tire, an frustrate. We trie everything … [The writer woul continue to escribe his creative solution to moving the car out of the mu].
What woul you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you evelope an emonstrate that talent over time?
Some talents are obvious, for example, if you sing on television. But there are MANY other talents. Are you goo at organization, networking, fashion, or fixing cell phones?
I want to emphasize the secon part of this question. It may be MORE important than the first part. This question wants you to escribe how you have evelope talent, meaning they want you to emonstrate your iscipline, perseverance, an willingness to learn.
So DON’T just list your talents an accomplishments. DO escribe the challenges you overcame to acquire your talent.
问题四:描述你是如何利用一次重要的教育机会,或者如何努力克服你面对的教育障碍的 ?
Describe how you have taken avantage of a significant eucational opportunity or worke to overcome an eucational barrier you have face.
Note that you can write about opportunities OR barriers, so this question shoul apply to everyone. If talking about your opportunities/barriers inspires you, this question is a goo choice.
不要过多地关注障碍或者机会本身,要关注你自己以及自己克服障碍或者抓住机会的具体方式。学校想要知道你对学习充满热情,并懂得如何充分利用资源。 回答这一问题的方式之一,便是展示自己将如何充分利用加州大学所提供的资源。
Don’t focus too much on the barrier or opportunity itself. Focus on yourself an some specific ways you overcame or took avantage of it. Schools want to know that you are passionate about learning an that you know how to make the most of resources. A goo way to conclue this essay is by explaining how you will take avantage of some specific opportunities offere by UC.
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