问题五:描述你面临的最重要的挑战以及你为克服这个挑战做了哪些努力 ? 这个挑战对你的学业成绩产生了怎样的影响?
Describe the most significant challenge you have face an the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affecte your acaemic achievement?
这一问题和上面的问题非常类似。再次强调,不要关注挑战,而要关注自己克服挑战的方式。如果你曾经克服过一个巨大的挑战,比如糟糕的家庭境遇,重大疾病,或者至亲之人的离世,那么你可以描述出来。但如果你写的是一个戏剧性的事情,要小心掉进 “赘述事情本身”这一陷阱。
This question is very similar to the previous question. Again, on’t focus on the challenge, focus on your response to it. If you are someone who has overcome a major challenge, such as a ba family situation, an illness, or the eath of a love one, then this is the place to write about that. But if you o write about a ramatic event, be careful to avoi the trap of writing more about the event than yourself.
问题六:描述你最喜欢的学科以及它是如何影响你的 ?
Describe your favorite acaemic subject an explain how it has influence you.
This is my favorite UC question. If you feel passionate about an acaemic subject, whether it is one you stuie in school or on your own, then choose this prompt. This question is excellent for emonstrating intellectual curiosity an personal perspective.
明智的回答便是描写细节,以此来证明你对于某一学科的热爱。 如果你喜爱生物学,那就描述这样高雅美观的内容:只有当钙离子释放时,肌肉才会收缩;而且它会根据我们的意图来活动。如果你热爱文学,那就描述出你最喜欢的莎士比亚的诗句。
A great response will mention specific etails that prove your passion for a subject. If you like biology, escribe how it so elegant an beautiful that muscles only contract when calcium ions are release, thereby allowing actin an myosin to bin when we want them to. If you love literature, escribe your favorite puns from Shakespeare.
Then emonstrate how this has shape your perspective. For biology, escribe how, when you work out at the gym, you imagine your brain sening signals to sarcomeres. For literature, escribe how your frien has a crush on a girl in the orchestra, an when he stares reamily at the orchestra builing, you imagine Gatsby gazing at the green light at the en of Daisy’s ock.
What have you one to make your school or your community a better place?
DON’T just list some boring things you i to a to your resume. DO talk about community issues that you are passionate about.
For example, explain why you love the arts an why you think they are such an essential part of a high school eucation. Then explain why you chose to set up a stuent art gallery in one of your school’s classrooms, an how you overcame challenges to achieve that. In the en, give some specific results, such as the number of stuents who contribute artworks, or some of the positive responses from the school community.
What is the one thing that you think sets you apart from other caniates applying to the University of California?
This is the most open-ene question an maybe the most important. Even if you on’t use this question, I recommen you try to answer it. Because an essential part of convincing a college to accept you (or an essential part of applying for a job) is ifferentiating yourself from your competition. Use this prompt as a way to prepare to answer the other prompts.
Your answer shoul emonstrate personality, perspective, an self-awareness. In fact, this is pretty similar to the essay you might write for the Common Application. If you have alreay written a goo Common App essay, see if you can cut some wors an use it here.
重点在于:选择关于你自己的有趣的事情。 谈论你的兴趣、古怪的家人,或者你早晨一定会做的事。如果是展现你的个性,那么就谈一下你的才能或者成就。
Important: Choose something interesting about your personal ientity. Talk about a hobby, your strange family, or your morning routine. Only talk about a talent or achievement if it reveals something about your personality.
Whichever prompts you choose, remember to tell a story an be specific! An make sure your four responses show four ifferent sies of you. Don’t write two responses that only emonstrate leaership. That’s a waste.
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