蒙纳士大学风险管理专业 Master of Business – Risk Management Specification
l 简介: The risk management specialisation allows you to build upon the core program with six units dealing with current practices and emerging strategies for the application of enterprise wide risk management (EWRM) in the complex business structures of today. Students are introduced to the latest techniques and practices that allow the management of risk to be a value driver for business prosperity and survival via examination of ISO31000, the international standard for risk management.
The risk management specialisation recognises the fundamental importance of risk management in today's commercial world and seeks to provide graduates with extended skills in the strategic and process applications of risk management. This specialisation will prepare graduates for the increasingly complex risk management issues faced when employed in many areas of business and government. The range of units undertaken will greatly assist those seeking employment in managerial positions where risk management is an expanding field of practice. The management of risk is an evolving discipline that builds on current knowledge in a diverse range of activities. It is an extension of existing knowledge and experience and is increasingly being embedded as a fundamental business requirement by principle and legislation. Risk varies from strategic to process; the specialisation focuses on the enterprise implementation of the management of risk.
l 概况:
学制: 2 年;
入学时间: 3 月、 7 月; 校区: Caulfield
l 入学要求: 学术: Applicants must have completed an Australian bachelor degree or an equivalent qualification, or an approved pathway and achieved a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 55% or an equivalent GPA as determined by the Faculty. Applicants will be ranked and selected based on their entire academic record.
语言: Minimum overall test score required is 6.5. The individual band scores required: reading 6.0, listening 6.0, writing 6.0, speaking 6.0, or TOEFL 550 with a TWE of 4.5, or an internet-based TOEFL score of 79 overall, with minimum scores as follows: writing 21, listening 12, reading 13, speaking 18.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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