在申请NYU SPS学院下设专业的过程中,我们会收到一个Kira面试,默认需要在收到后的一周内完成。这也将成为申请材料中被审核的很重要的一部分,所以同学们一定得认真对待。Kira题库非常大,上至世界经济企业贸易,下至人物喜好习惯梦想。美国大学硕士面试一般分为行为面试behavior interview和技术面试technical interview,Kira一般都是行为题。回答行为题可以练习使用 STAR原则 ,把问题拆解成四个部分,形成一个完整的故事。S:场景;T:任务;A:行为;R:结果。如果同学们碰到一个完全没有准备到的题目,完全不用慌张,尝试着把这个问题,转换成别的问题。举个例子:tell a thing we should know about you。这个问题即可以直接转型为:tell your biggest strengthen to admission officer。这就变成了我们熟悉的主题,文书里都有写。
常规题 :
Why NYU?
What do you want to learn from this program?
Career goal & career plan after grad?
How this program help your future career?
拓展题 :
If you have not worked in a diverse team, what would you do to achieve the best outcome?
Choose either integrity ethics or sustainability (or a combination), and talk about why this concept is important in creating a marketing strategy. Why does it resonate with you specifically?
Tell me how you would determine how many people are talking on their cell phone / how many light bulbs are being used at this instant in New York City. When providing your answer, please state all of your assumptions, and walk us through your strategy in detail. What three pieces of information would you need to have before actually solving this problem?
Tell me how you would determine how many bicycles were sold annually in NYC. How many are mountains bike vs. Road bikes? please state all of your assumptions and walk us through your strategy in detail. What three pieces of information would you need to have before actually solving this problem?
Describe what a flower is to someone who has never seen or heard of one before. Please walk us through your thinking. What are the possibilities? What different strategies could be used to solve this problem?
Please name a blank sheet of paper. How many possibilities are there. What types of strategies can be used to resolve this problem?
If you have a cardboard box, what will you do? How many possibilities?What types of strategies used to resolve this problem?
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