l 本科生链接:
l 本科生申请指南:
l 本科生入学要求:
l 截止时间:
Note :
1. 申请费 450 港币
2. 需要 PS 及至少一封推荐信(推荐信可以提供推荐表格,也可以提供 reference lettter ) Reference letter is a referee’s report or reference letter complete by your school principal or teacher, or by an acaemic referee (Sample of a referee’s report: Wor format / pf format). Reference letter is acceptable. The stanar HKU referee’s report is a template only. You can also submit more than one reference letter or referee’s report. Although it is much preferre if you can submit a reference letter or referee’s report, it is not manatory. For confiential reference to be submitte to the University irectly, please post it to the Amissions Office at MG14, Groun Floor, Main Builing, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Roa, Hong Kong. Your full name, application number, ate of birth an first choice of curriculum shoul be specifie on the reference for ientification purpose.)
3. 每个专业有不同的材料要求,详情请参考各专业网站。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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