Master of Science and Master of Chemical Engineering
Admissions and application deadlines
The department designed the MS in Chemical Engineering and Master of Chemical Engineering programs for engineering students interested in focusing on the highly versatile core expertise of chemical engineering.
Prospective studentsmust have earned a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering or a related disciplinewith a better than B average.
We accept applications and enrollment for both fall and spring semesters.
Fall term of entry deadline: January 31
Spring term of entry deadline: September 1
Current research explorationsby the chemical engineering department's faculty include:
Air quality and climate
Biotechnology and pharmaceutical engineering
Catalysis and surface science
Energy, decarbonization, and sustainability
Process systems engineering
Soft materials and complex fluids
Energy, decarbonization, and sustainability:
Projects include:
electrification with modern intermittent sources (wind and sun)利用现代间断电源(风能和太阳能)实现电气化
carbon capture utilization and sequestration碳捕获利用和封存
the development of novel chemicals and production pathways based on low carbon, renewable, and recycled feedstocks基于低碳、可再生和回收原料的新型化学品和生产途径的开发
the design of novel catalysts新型催化剂的设计
CMU chemical engineering graduates go on to work at companiessuch as:
Recent job titles for our graduatesinclude:
Advanced process control and machine learning engineer
Battery modeling engineer
Data scientist
Global strategic sourcing analyst
Process engineer
Product development chemist
R&D scientist
Research engineer
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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