LLM Masters of Laws
MA Arts and Cultural Leadership
MA Communication Design
MA Contemporary Curating
MA Design Management
MA Fine Art
MA Global Advertising and Branding
MA Global Media Management
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Computer Science
MSc Cyber Security
MSc Data Science
MSc Electronic Engineering
MSc Internet of Things
MSc Microelectronics Systems Design
MSc Mobile Communications and Smart Networking
MSc Software Engineering
MSc Systems, Control and Signal Processing
MSc Electrical Power Systems等
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship)
Master of Business Administration (Maritime)
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Accounting and Management
MSc Business Analytics and Finance
MSc Business Analytics and Management Science
MSc Business Strategy and Innovation Management
MSc Digital Business
MSc Digital Marketing
MSc Digital Strategy and Information Systems
MSc Finance
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Banking and Financial Studies
MSc International Entrepreneurship and Management
MSc International Financial Markets
MSc International Management
MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Analytics
MSc Marketing Analytics
MSc Marketing Management
MSc Project Management
MSc Risk and Finance
MSc Risk Management
MSc Strategic Operations and Supply Chain Management
MA Fashion Design
MA Fashion Management
MA Fashion Marketing and Branding
MA Luxury Brand Management
MA Textile Design
MSc Creative Technologies
MSc Micro and Nanotechnology
MSc Actuarial Science
MSc Data and Decision Analytics
MSc Operational Research
MSc Operational Research and Finance
MSc Operational Research and Finance Part Time
MSc Operational Research Part Time
MSc Statistics
MSc Statistics with Applications in Medicine
MSc Education
MSc Education (Management and Leadership)
MSc Education (Practice and Innovation)
MRes Economics
MSc Economics
MSc Finance and Econometrics
MSc Finance and Economics
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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