Your portfolio is a collection of work an ieas emonstrating the state of your creative evelopment so be sure to inclue work that represents your creativity, knowlege, interests, an skills. There is no rigi formula for a goo portfolio an it may take a variety of forms. The primary goal is to show us how you communicate ieas an make use of artistic research processes an materials.
Our SlieRoom portal supports images (jpg, png, gif) or vieo (mov, wmv, flv, mp4), music (mp3) an PDF ocuments. Please ensure vieo clip files are from 2 to 3 minutes in length (unless specifie).
We are intereste in seeing a wie range of examples of your creative practice. We encourage you to submit not only visual arts projects, but also soun, time-base, craft-base, esign, 3D, illustration, an animation work. All meia, mixe or otherwise - from a vieo or a song, to a comic strip or a zine - are welcome. Please submit only your best work in its final state from the last two years.
We will only evaluate 10 samples maximum. We are asking that you be critical in your selection.
We want to know how you create, how you problem-solve, how you ask questions, an where your process takes you. Please respon to all the prompts provie below by submitting 1 image (or one 20-secon vieo) per prompt. Be sure to label your slie with the relevant prompt an feel free to a a title shoul you feel so inspire.
1. What keeps you up at night?
2. Describe where you live without showing any images of your home.
3. You have been aske to esign a town square; what woul you put in the centre of it?
After responing to the three prompts artistically, please tell us how you feel about that entire creative process by writing no more than 50 wors.
Respon to the following three questions. We want to hear your voice an learn about you through your writing. This is not a formal essay, but an opportunity for personal reflection an intellectual honesty. Please keep your answers to 75 - 100 wors each.
1. What makes a problem interesting to you?
2. Make a list of all the things you’ like to learn at Emily Carr.
3. If you coul change one thing in the worl, what woul it be?
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