41、come apart 被拆开
英文含义: separate
适合话题: technology
例句: The camera just came apart the first time I used it.
42、come down with something 染上病
英文含义: become sick
适合话题: Health
例句: It is easy to come down with some strange illness if we do
not notice hygiene.
43、come forward 自告奋勇
英文含义: volunteer for a task or to give evidence
适合话题: experience
例句: She came forward to be a volunteer of the Olympic games.
44、come from somewhere 来自于
英文含义: originate in
适合话题: history and arts
例句: The art of origami comes from Asia.
45、count on someone/something 依靠
英文含义: rely on
适合话题: family and friends
例句: I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out.
46、cross something out 删去
英文含义: draw a line through
适合话题: study
例句: Our composition will read better if we cross out these worn out figures of speech.
47、cut back on something 减少
英文含义: consume less
适合话题: health
例句: My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods.
48、cut something down 砍倒
英文含义: make something fall to the ground
适合话题: environment
例句: We had to cut the old tree in our yard down after the storm.
49、cut in 启动
英文含义: start operating (of an engine or electrical device)
适合话题: technology
例句: The air conditioner cuts in when the temperature gets to 22°C.
50、cut something off 切断
英文含义: remove with something sharp
适合话题: experience
例句: When it is on fire, we should cut off the power at once.
51、cut something off 中断
英文含义: stop providing
适合话题: work
例句: Our parents will cut off our living expenses immediately when we begin to work.
52、cut someone off 剥夺继承权
英文含义: take out of a will
适合话题: family
例句: My grandparents cut my father off when he remarried.
53、cut something out 剪下来
英文含义: remove part of something (usually with scissors and paper)
适合话题: scissors and paper
例句: I cut this ad out of the newspaper and study it carefully.
54、do someone/something over 洗劫
英文含义: beat up, ransack
适合话题: public event
例句: He's lucky to be alive. His shop was done over by a street gang.
55、do something over 重做
英文含义: do again
适合话题: study
例句: My teacher wants me to do my essay over because she doesn't like my topic.
56、do away with something 废除
英文含义: discard
适合话题: public event
例句: It's time to do away with all of these old tax records.
57、do something up 扣紧
英文含义: fasten, close
适合话题: clothes
例句: Our parents always do our clothes up before we go out when it is snowing.
58、dress up 打扮
英文含义: wear nice clothing
适合话题: party
例句: It's a fancy party so we have to dress up .
59、drop back 落后
英文含义: move back in a position/group
适合话题: study
例句: If we do not strive, we will drop back .
60、drop in/by/over 顺便走访
英文含义: come without an appointment
适合话题: leisure time
例句: I might drop in/by/over for tea sometime this week.
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