GMAT考试全称为Graduate Management Admission Test,旨在评估考生在商业和管理领域的逻辑思维、分析、写作和数学能力。该考试的历史可以追溯到1955年,由美国商业管理研究生入学委员会(GMAC)主办,是全球范围内广泛认可的管理学研究生入学考试。
GMAT考试适用于那些申请攻读商业和管理类研究生学位的考生,如MBA、EMBA、Master of Finance等。此外,一些顶尖的商业学校和学院也会要求考生参加GMAT考试,作为评估其综合素质的一个指标。
A company has increased its dividend by 20% each year for the past five years. If the current rate of increase continues, the company’s dividend will double in another five years. However, the company’s board of directors has just replaced the CEO, and it is widely expected that the dividend will not continue to increase at the same rate.
The author’s primary purpose in writing the passage is to:
(A) suggest that the company’s stock is a good investment
(B) persuade readers todiversify their portfolios
(C) provide evidence that the company’s dividend is unstable
(D) introduce a new method for evaluating dividend stocks.
答案:(C) provide evidence that the company’s dividend is unstable。
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