Excellence 卓越
Discovery & Innovation 发现和创新
Inclusion 包容
Freedom & Civility 自由和文明
Community 社区
Stewardship 责任守护
作为一所土地赠与大学(Land-Grant University是指根据美国1862年《莫里尔法案》(Morrill Act)成立的大学。这项法案由当时的国会通过并由林肯总统签署,旨在通过联邦政府赠与土地来资助各州建立或支持大学。这些大学的宗旨是提供农业、机械、军事和其他实际应用的高等教育,以支持国家的发展需要),我们肩负着使佛罗里达州和世界变得更美好的责任。我们致力于以最大的尊重和责任心来使用资源,以人道、尊重和负责的方式运用它们。正是通过这种方式,我们为学生创造一个环境,让他们有机会培养丰富人生的智力、体能和社交技能。
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
College of the Arts
Warrington College of Business
College of Dentistry
College of Design, Construction and Planning
College of Education
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
College of Health and Human Performance
College of Journalism and Communications
Levin College of Law
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Medicine
College of Nursing
College of Pharmacy
College of Public Health and Health Professions
College of Veterinary Medicine
The strength of the curriculum the student has taken based on the offerings available to the student as well as how the student has progressed academically over time.该学生所选课程的难度强度基于其所能获得的课程资源,同时也考虑了学生在学业上的进步情况。
SAT, ACT or Classic Learning Test (CLT) scores.标化成绩
Extracurricular Activities: Consistent involvement throughout high school that demonstrates a student's interests and passions, as well as how applicants contributed to their school, community and/or family.课外活动:在整个高中阶段的持续参与,展示了学生的兴趣和热情,以及他们对学校、社区和/或家庭的贡献。
No one single factor determines an admissions decision.
录取学生成绩2024 Academic Profile(middle 50%)
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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