In a small, remote Arctic community, a powerful bond developed between two individuals who shared a common love for the unique environment surrounding them. Isla, a successful builder, and Lachlan, an economist who had helped establish the local economy, were both drawn to the strong, clear beauty of the Arctic wilderness.
During the widespread harsh weather, they found warmth in each other's company and were united by their shared passion for the environment. Their love was not the romanticized, fairytale type but rather a deep connection rooted in their mutual understanding and appreciation of the world they inhabited.
As they carried on with their lives, they noticed the alarming rate at which the
Arctic's wildlife struggled to adapt to the changing conditions. They decided to turn
their focus on the reproduction and survival of the region's endangered species. Working together, they built a state-of-the-art facility to aid the reproduction and
recovery of the vulnerable prey species.
Isla and Lachlan's efforts succeeded in providing a safe haven for the wildlife, which in turn, helped restore the balance in the Arctic ecosystem. Their successful partnership, fueled by their passion and dedication, not only left a powerful impact on their community but also served as a testament to the incredible things that can be achieved when love and determination come together.
Word List
373.rate [reɪt] n.速率;费用 v.评估;被评价;估价
374.term [tɜːm] n.学期;条件;术语;期限
375.turn [tɜːn] v.转动;旋转;变成;翻转 n.轮换;转弯;机会
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