As a researcher, John had a tendency to collect diverse data from several sources to diversify his research. He found it diverting to travel across the country, gathering information and writing travelogues about the places he visited.
One day, while researching the diversity of tenement housing in a certain city, John came across a stage play about a young painter and his struggles with ownership and availability of space to practice his craft. The play was so moving that John felt the tension and pressure on the character's face and facial expressions.
He collected the painting used in the play, which was characteristically painterly, and served as a perfect representation of the character's struggle for ownership and availability. The painting became a part of John's research collection, and he used it to press for diversification in housing placement and windblown policies.
John's research had a certain impact on the city's urban planning. The availability of affordable housing and windblown policies started to take the diverse needs of the collective population into consideration. John felt a sense of certainty that his research had made a difference, and he continued to practically practice his research with character and dedication, for the betterment of society.
Word list:53
588.practically ˈpræktɪkəli 实际上地,几乎,实用地
589.practice ˈpræktɪs 实践,练习,实行,执行 prɛs 推进,施加压力,强行,催促,出版社
591.pressure ˈprɛʃər 压力,强制力,压迫,压迫感
592.research rɪˈsɜrtʃ 研究,调查
593.researcher rɪˈsɜrtʃər 研究员,调查者
594.tend tɛnd 趋向,照料,易于,往往
595.tendency ˈtɛndənsi 趋势,倾向
596.tenement ˈtɛnəmənt 出租公寓,公寓楼
597.tension ˈtɛnʃən 紧张,拉紧,张力,电压 ˈtrævəl 旅行,行进,传播
599.traveler/traveller ˈtrævələr 旅行者
600.travelogue/travelog ˈtrævəlɒg 游记,旅行杂志
across əˈkrɒs 穿过,横跨
case keɪs 情况,案例,箱子,事实
certain ˈsɜrtən 确定的,肯定的,某些,有把握
certainly ˈsɜrtənli 当然,肯定,确实
certainty ˈsɜrtənti 确信,确实,必然性
collect kəˈlɛkt 收集,搜集,领取,聚集
collection kəˈlɛkʃən 收藏品,收集,选集,募捐
collective kəˈlɛktɪv 集体的,集合的,团体
collectively kəˈlɛktɪvli 集体地,共同地
collector kəˈlɛktər 收藏家,收款人
611.diverse daɪˈvɜrs 不同的,多种多样的,形形色色的
612.diversification daɪˌvɜrsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən 多样化,变化
613.diversify daɪˈvɜrsɪfaɪ: 使多样化,使变得多样化;
614.diversity daɪˈvɜrsəti: 多样性,多样化;
615.diverting daɪˈvɜrtɪŋ: 有趣的,引人入胜的;
616.magma ˈmæɡmə: 岩浆; pleɪs: 地方,场所;(v.): 放置,安置;
618.placement ˈpleɪsmənt: 放置,安置;职业安置;
619.wind wɪnd: 风,气流;(v.): 缠绕,绕过;
620.windblown ˈwɪndbloʊn: 被风吹的,风吹形成的;
almost ˈɔːlmoʊst: 几乎,差不多;
availability əˌveɪləˈbɪləti: 可获得性,可利用性;
available əˈveɪləbl: 可得到的,可利用的;
624.face feɪs: 脸,面孔;(v.): 面对,面向;
625.facial ˈfeɪʃl: 面部的,脸的;
627.own oʊn: 自己的,本人的;(v.): 拥有,占有;
628.owner ˈoʊnər: 拥有者,所有人;
629.ownership ˈoʊnərʃɪp: 所有权,拥有权;
630.paint peɪnt: 涂漆,绘画;(n.): 颜料,油漆;
631.painterly ˈpeɪntərli: 像画家的,画似的;
632.painting ˈpeɪntɪŋ: 绘画,画作;
633.serve sɜːrv: 服务,招待;
634.service ˈsɜːrvɪs: 服务,招待,维修;
635.several ˈsevrəl: 几个,数个;
636.stage steɪdʒ: 舞台,戏剧;(v.): 上演,策划;
637.therefore ˈðerfɔːr: 因此,所以;
characteristic - /ˌkær.ək.təˈrɪs.tɪk/ - adj. 特有的,典型的;n. 特性,特征
characteristically - /ˌkær.ək.təˈrɪs.tɪ.kəl.i/ - adv. 具有代表性地,典型地
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