New Stuent Orientation
Orientation Day 顾名思义,为迎新日,也可理解为迎新会。是国外大学为迎接国际留学生准备的一项活动,旨在帮助留学生熟悉并适应新环境。 其时间长短及具体活动形式视学校而定。一般在这项活动中,校方会向留学生介绍学校的历史、概况,包括学校的各种设施(院所,图书馆,食堂等)以及其他一些注意事项
New Stuent Orientation sessions are two full ays an inclue one overnight stay on campus. Orientation sessions occur throughout the months of June, July, an August. Registration for orientation sessions is complete on a first-come, first serve basis beginning April 7, 201 8 (for summer an fall amitte stuents) an November (for spring amitte stuents). If you are traveling an nee to book a flight, make sure you are registere before purchasing your plane ticket.
Orientation inclues: presentations, acaemic avising, course registration, social activities, an small group iscussions covering a wie range of topics relate to the acaemic an co-curricular experience.
Please see &lquo;New Stuent Orientation Dates&rquo; to the right to see which orientation you may register for.
Stuents are offere session ates base on their amitte school or college an major. Your amissions acceptance letter will tell you which school or college you have been amitte to.
*Stuents select an register for their orientation ate - session ates are not assigne to stuents.
Housing in a university resience hall will be provie for all stuent uring orientation an meals will be serve in a university ining center. There is no fee for stuents to atten orientation.
Stuents are expecte to atten the entire orientation program incluing the overnight portion, all presentations, an small group iscussions. Stuents who miss part of orientation, arrive late, or nee to leave early may be aske to rescheule their session ates, make up the misse portion, an/or may be unable to register for classes.
Stuents who live more than 100 miles from Temple’s Main Campus may arrive the night before their registere orientation session for a $30 fee. All of our overnight orientation sessions allow for early arrival. Stuents who wish to arrive the night before their orientation session must complete the following steps at least two weeks prior to their orientation session:
1. Register for an orientation session that has an overnight component through your TUPortal
2. After you register for your orientation session , fill out the form foun here. (Log in with your TU AccessNet Username an Passwor)
3. A confirmation email will be sent back to you within 2-3 business ays.
4. Arrive between 5:00 an 7:00pm the night before your scheule session an check in at White Hall.
5. The Office of Orientation an New Stuent Programs will charge the $30 fee to the stuent’s Fall semester bill. The Office of Orientation an New Stuent Programs oes not accept cash, checks, or creit cars.
Please note: Stuents arriving early for orientation will not be provie meals or activities the night before the orientation session begins. Due to the limite number of stuents who arrive early for orientation, stuents may not have a roommate this night. The resience hall will be staffe with a security guar an stuent resient assistants.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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