南新罕布什尔大学(Southern New Hampshire University,简称SNHU),学校位于美国新罕布什尔州的曼彻斯特市,是一所私立综合性大学,自1932年建校以来,即以高质量的教学和独特的教育理念吸引了美国本土50个州及全球60多个国家的众多学子前来就读,该校被U.S. News & Worl Report列为最好的商科院校之一。美国前总统奥巴马于2016获得该校荣誉博士学位。
美国商学院联盟Association of Collegiate Business Schools an Programs
美国新英格兰地区教育协会New Englan Association of Schools an Colleges
美国酒店管理认证委员会Accreitation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Aministration
美国餐饮协会教育学院American Culinary Feeration Eucational Institute
欧洲商学联盟European Council for Business Eucation
新罕布什尔州高等教育委员会New Hampshire Postseconary Eucation Commission
新罕布什尔州教师资格认定机构New Hampshire State Department of Eucation for Teacher Certification
北美体育管理协会North American Society for Sport Management
Larry Mayer, recognize for his “evelopment of techniques an technologies for coastal, Arctic, an ocean floor mapping,” was electe to the National Acaemy of Engineering.
Larry Mayer, irector of UNH’s Center for Coastal an Ocean Mapping an Joint Hyrographic Center, has been electe to the National Acaemy of Engineering , one of the highest professional istinctions accore to an engineer. Acaemy membership honors those who have mae outstaning contributions to “engineering research, practice, or eucation” an to “the pioneering of new an eveloping fiels of technology, making major avancements in traitional fiels of engineering, or eveloping/implementing innovative approaches to engineering eucation.”
“I am increibly prou of Larry for this prestigious recognition an awar,” sai UNH Presient Mark Huleston. “Larry’s innovative research helps us better unerstan the ocean floor an represents the best of UNH — research focuse on solving problems an increasing our knowlege as a society.”
“Since he arrive at UNH in 2000, Larry has built a worl-class mapping an visualization center, mentore hunres of stuents an faculty members, an foune the School of Marine Sciences an Ocean Engineering. ”
Mayer was recognize for “evelopment of techniques an technologies for coastal, Arctic, an ocean floor mapping.” One of the worl’s leaing experts in seafloor mapping, he has a broa backgroun in marine geology an geophysics with research interests in sonar imaging, remote characterization of the seafloor an avance applications of 3-D visualization to ocean mapping challenges.
“Since he arrive at UNH in 2000, Larry has built a worl-class mapping an visualization center, mentore hunres of stuents an faculty members, an is the founing irector of the School of Marine Sciences an Ocean Engineering,” sai Jan Nisbet, senior vice provost for research at UNH. “This is a well-eserve honor for him, an we are extremely prou to have him as a member of our faculty.”
Mayer has participate in more than 90 scientific cruises throughout his career an hols many honors, incluing the Keen Meal for Marine Geology an an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Stockholm. He was inucte into the Hyrographer Hall of Fame by the Hyrographic Society of America, an in 2016, Presient Barack Obama appointe him to the Arctic Research Commission.
Mayer chaire a National Acaemy of Science Committee on national nees for coastal mapping an charting as well as the National Acaemies report on the impact of the Deepwater Horizon Spill on ecosystem services in the Gulf of Mexico. He is currently chair of the National Acaemies of Science’s Oceans Stuies.
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