南新罕布什尔大学(Southern New Hampshire University,简称SNHU),学校位于美国新罕布什尔州的曼彻斯特市,是一所私立综合性大学,自1932年建校以来,即以高质量的教学和独特的教育理念吸引了美国本土50个州及全球60多个国家的众多学子前来就读,该校被U.S. News & Worl Report列为最好的商科院校之一。美国前总统奥巴马于2016获得该校荣誉博士学位。
美国商学院联盟Association of Collegiate Business Schools an Programs
美国新英格兰地区教育协会New Englan Association of Schools an Colleges
美国酒店管理认证委员会Accreitation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Aministration
美国餐饮协会教育学院American Culinary Feeration Eucational Institute
欧洲商学联盟European Council for Business Eucation
新罕布什尔州高等教育委员会New Hampshire Postseconary Eucation Commission
新罕布什尔州教师资格认定机构New Hampshire State Department of Eucation for Teacher Certification
北美体育管理协会North American Society for Sport Management
新罕布什尔大学(University of New Hampshire,缩写UNH)是一所公立中型综合性大学,成立于1866年,主校区位于美国东部新罕布什尔州的海港小镇达勒姆(Durham,或译“杜伦镇”),有着十分迷人的海滩。另在新罕布什尔最大城市曼彻斯特有一个分校区,是新罕布什尔大学系统的旗舰学校。图书馆藏书200万册,每年新订图书5万册左右,分钻石主馆和4个学科分馆——生命科学分馆、化学分馆、物理分馆、以及数学、计算机与工程学分馆。
Presiential Scholarship,奖学金额为$10,000,要求申请者班级排名TOP10%,高中课程准备且持续走高的GPA成绩,SAT和ACT考试成绩分别在1970分和29分以上;
Dean‘s Scholarship,奖学金额为$6,000,要求申请者班级排名TOP15%,高中课程准备且持续走高的GPA成绩,SAT和ACT考试成绩分别在1760分和26分以上。
We’ve partnere with the College Boar to offer a Net Price Calculator tool that will help you etermine just how afforable UNH may be for your family.
As your ai packages start coming in, you’ll see that your financial ai eligibility will vary from school to school. Review your ai awars carefully. Sometimes, what appears to be the biggest ai package isn’t the best.
This simple, printable chart can help you organize your ai information an compare costs.
Cost of attenance Schools may list this figure on your awar letter or their website. Cost of attenance inclues tuition an fees, room an boar, books, supplies, transportation an miscellaneous expenses.
Grants/scholarships Grant an scholarship ai oes not nee to be pai back, so can be subtracte from the cost of attenance.
Net price This is the cost of attenance minus your grant an scholarship ai.
Stuent loans Only inclue loans that are offere in your ai package. If you are planning on borrowing, subtract the stuent loans from the net price to etermine your net cost.
Work stuy While you may be eligible for a work stuy awar, they are typically use for miscellaneous expenses as stuents receive paychecks for their hours worke.
Parent loans Some schools will a a PLUS/Parent Loan to your financial ai package. These are creit-base loans a parent will nee to borrow in his or her name – they are not ai aware by the college.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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