香港中文大学 研究生申请要求
对于哲学博士( PhD),教育博士(DE),音乐博士(DMus),护理博士(DNur),心理学博士(DPsy)课程,申请人应具备:
· 获得认可大学的硕士学位 ; 要么
· 学士学位,通常具有上级或以上的二等荣誉学位,并在该大学的硕士学位课程中注册至少一年并具有研究能力 ; 要么
· 已在认可大学攻读博士学位至少一年,并获得研究生院批准 ; 要么
· 获得 MBChB学位或同等学历,或在特殊情况下获得学士学位,以获得医学院的课程。
English Language Requirements for Amission
English Language Requirements for Amission
To fulfill the University’s minimum English language requirements for amission to postgrauate programmes, applicants shoul have:
a. obtaine a egree from a university in Hong Kong 1 or taken a egree programme of which the meium of instruction was English; or
achieve scores in the following English Language tests 2 as inicate:
i. TOEFL: 550 (Paper-base)/79 (Internet-base);
ii. IELTS (Acaemic): 6.5;
iii. GMAT (Verbal): Ban 21; or
obtaine a pass grae in English in one of the following examinations:
i. Hong Kong Avance Level Examination (AS Level);
ii. Hong Kong Higher Level Examination;
iii. CUHK Matriculation Examination;
iv. General Certificate of Eucation Examination (GCE) Avance Level (A-Level)/Avance Subsiiary Level (AS-Level); or
f. achieve Level 4 or above in the English Language subject of the Hong Kong Diploma of Seconary Eucation (HKDSE) Examination; or
g. obtaine a recognize professional qualification, provie that the examination was conucte in English.
1. This is base on the unerstaning that English is the meium of instruction of egree programmes offere by universities in Hong Kong. Moreover, grauates from universities in Hong Kong shoul have fulfille the English language requirements of the institution concerne when they were amitte to the egree programmes. The CUHK Grauate School may request applicants to provie aitional supporting ocuments to prove their English proficiency.
2. TOEFL an IELTS are consiere vali for two years from the test ate. GMAT is consiere vali for five years from the test ate.
a. 取得香港大学的学位 1 或取得学位课程,其教学语言为英语; 要么
如下所示,在以下英语语言测试 2中 取得了分数:
i. 托福: 550(纸质)/ 79(基于互联网);
ii. 雅思(学术): 6.5;
iii. GMAT(口头):乐队21; 要么
i. 香港高级程度会考( AS Level);
ii. 香港高等教育考试 ;
iii. 香港中文大学入学考试 ;
iv. 普通教育证书考试( GCE)高级(A-Level)/高级辅助级别(AS-Level); 要么
f. 在香港中学文凭考试( HKDSE)考试的英语科目中达到4级或以上; 要么
g. 如果考试是用英语进行的,则获得认可的专业资格。
1. 这是基于这样一种理解,即英语是香港大学提供的学位课程的教学媒介。此外,香港大学的毕业生在入读学位课程时,应该符合有关院校的英语要求。香港中文大学研究生院可要求申请人提供额外的证明文件,以证明他们的英语水平。
2. 托福和雅思考试自考试之日起两年内有效。 GMAT自考试之日起五年内有效。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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