Writing the Statement of Purpose
by Carla Trujillo, Ph.D.
A) Things to Keep in Min:
What the amissions committee will rea between the lines: motivation, competence, potential as a grauate stuent.
Emphasize everything from a positive perspective an write in an active, not a passive voice.
Demonstrate everything by example; on’t say irectly that you’re a persistent person, show it.
If there is something important that happene to you that affecte your graes, such as poverty, illness, or excessive work, state it. Write it affirmatively, however, showing your perseverance.
Make sure everything is linke with continuity an focus.
The essay shoul be approximately (1?-2 pages) single-space, 12pt. font.
B) Writing the Statement of Purpose:
Part 1: Introuction
Tell them what you’re intereste in, an perhaps, what sparke your esire for grauate stuy.
Part 2: Summarize what you i as an unergrauate
a) Research you conucte. Inicate with whom, the title of the project, what your responsibilities were, an the outcome. Write technically, or in the style of your iscipline. Professors are the people who rea these statements.
b) Important paper or thesis project you complete, as well as anything scholarly beyon your curricular requirements.
c) Work experience, especially if you ha any kin of responsibility for testing, esigning, researching or interning in an area similar to what you wish to stuy in grauate school.
Part 3: Inicate your current activities.
If you grauate an worke prior to returning to gra school, inicate what you’ve been oing: company or non-profit, your work/esign team, responsibilities, what you learne. You can also inicate here how this helpe you focus your grauate stuies.
Part 4: Elaborate on the topic you wish to pursue for grauate school
Here you inicate what you woul like to stuy in grauate school in greater etail.
a) Inicate an area of interest, then state questions, concerns, an thoughts associate with the topic. This shoul be an ample paragraph!
b) Look on the web for information about epartments you’re intereste in, as well as the professors an their research. Are there professors whose research interests parallel yours? If so, inicate this.
If you can imply that you’ve rea their work, all the better.
c) En your statement in a positive manner, inicating your excitement an reainess for the challenges ahea of you.
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