除了澳大利亚国立大学,另外7所学校都开设了Eucation相关的专业 学制: 2年—阿德莱德 1年—悉尼、新南、昆士兰、西奥 1-2年—墨大、莫纳什 学费(澳元): 悉尼(39500)>阿德莱德(35000)>墨大(33376)>新南(31400)>西澳大学(30500)>昆士兰(26464)>莫纳什(21500) 入学时间: 2月—昆士兰、莫纳什 3月—悉尼 7月—阿德莱德 2月、7月—墨大、新南、西澳大学 雅思: 总分7.0—墨大、悉尼、莫纳什、新南、昆士兰、阿德莱德、西澳 TESOL
澳洲八大里,除了澳大利亚国立大学、悉尼、阿德莱德、西澳没有开设,余下4所均有开设 学制: 1年—新南、昆士兰 1-2年—墨大、莫纳什 学费(澳元): 墨大(33376)>新南(31400)>昆士兰(28976)>莫纳什(21500) 入学时间: 2月—昆士兰、莫纳什 2月、7月—墨大、新南 雅思: 总分6.5—莫纳什、新南、昆士兰 总分7.0—墨大 Teaching
澳洲八大里,除了澳大利亚国立大学,另外7所学校都开设了Teaching相关专业 学制: 2年—墨大、悉尼、莫纳什、昆士兰、阿德莱德、西澳 1.5年—新南 学费(澳元): 昆士兰(39696)>悉尼(39500)>墨大(36256)>阿德莱德(35000)>新南(31400)>昆士兰(26464)>莫纳什(22000) PS.除了墨大Early Chilhoo an Primary、昆士兰Primary稍贵 入学时间: 2月—墨大、莫纳什、新南、昆士兰、西澳 3月—悉尼 7月—阿德莱德 雅思: 总分7.5—悉尼、莫纳什、新南、昆士兰、西澳 总分7.0—墨大、阿德莱德 特殊总结: 明确不需要相关专业背景: 墨大、莫纳什、阿德莱德的Eucation专业 墨大的Tesol专业 明确需要相关工作经验: 新南的Eucation专业1年、1.5年方向 需要先完成测试: 墨大的teaching专业所有方向需要先完成TCAT测试 莫纳什大学Master of Teaching;Master of Eucation an Master of Teaching需要参加CASper test 详细的信息在这里哦,小编都帮你们挖出来啦! 墨尔本大学 Eucation
Master of Eucation 学制:1年-2年 学费:AU$33,376/年 开学时间:2月、7月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.0,写作7.0,其他单项不低于6.0 托福总分94+,写作27,口语18,阅读13,听力13 学术要求: 1.A three-year unergrauate egree or equivalent in any iscipline area. 2.Avance staning of up to 100 creit points of the 200 creit point egree will be grante to applicants who have either: ①A four-year eucation egree, or equivalent, or ②An unergrauate egree in any iscipline an at least 50 creit points, or equivalent, of grauate stuy in eucation. TESOL
Master of TESOL 学制:1年-2年 学费:AU$33,376/年 入学时间:2月,7月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.0,写作7.0,其他单项不低于6.0 托福总分94+,写作27,口语18,阅读13,听力13 学术要求: 1.A three year unergrauate egree or equivalent in any iscipline area, an 2.A major in English language or be eligible for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching Teaching
有4个方向: Early Chilhoo Primary Seconary Early Chilhoo an Primary Master of Teaching (Early Chilhoo) 学制:2年 学费:AU$36,256/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.0,单项不低于7.0 托福总分94+,写作27,口语24,阅读24,听力24 入学要求: 1.Unergrauate egree from an approve institution 2.complete the Teacher Capability Assessment Tool (TCAT) prior to applying. Master of Teaching (Primary) 学制:2年 学费:AU$36,256/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.0,单项不低于7.0 托福总分94+,写作27,口语24,阅读24,听力24 入学要求: 1.Unergrauate egree from an approve institution 2.complete the Teacher Capability Assessment Tool (TCAT) prior to applying. Master of Teaching (Seconary) 学制:2年 学费:AU$36,256/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.0,单项不低于7.0 托福总分94+,写作27,口语24,阅读24,听力24 入学要求: 1.An unergrauate egree from an approve institution. 2.Previous stuy that satisfies the requirements for two learning areas. 3.Complete the Teacher Capability Assessment Tool (TCAT) prior to applying. Master of Teaching (Early Chilhoo an Primary) 学制:2年 学费:AU$40,788/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.0,单项不低于7.0 托福总分94+,写作27,口语24,阅读24,听力24 入学要求: 1.Unergrauate egree from an approve institution 2.complete the Teacher Capability Assessment Tool (TCAT) prior to applying. 悉尼大学 Eucation
Master of Eucation 学制:1年 学费:AU$39,500/年 入学时间:3月 语言要求: 雅思总分6.5,单项不低于6.0 托福总分85,阅读17,听力17,口语17,写作19 入学要求: a Bachelor of Eucation from the University of Syney or equivalent qualification an either the completion of postgrauate stuies, or professional experience equivalent to one year full-time in a fiel consiere by the School to be appropriate to the program of stuy; 或 a bachelor’s egree an either the Diploma in Eucation or Bachelor of Teaching or Master of Teaching from the University of Syney or equivalent qualification; 或 a bachelor’s egree from the University of Syney or equivalent qualification an either the completion of postgrauate stuies in Eucation, or professional experience equivalent to two years full-time in a fiel consiere by the School to be appropriate to the program of stuy. TESOL
无TESOL课程 Teaching
有5个方向: Early Chilhoo Health an Physical Eucation Primary Seconary School Counselling 学制:2年 学费:AU$39,500/年 入学时间:3月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.5,阅读、写作7.0,听力、口语8.0 托福总分105,阅读23,写作25,听力、口语27 学术要求: Master of Teaching (Early Chilhoo) 1.a bachelor’s egree in a relevant iscipline from the University of Syney or equivalent qualification; an 2.the completion of any aitional qualifying courses prescribe by the Faculty. Master of Teaching (Health an Physical Eucation) Master of Teaching (Primary) Master of Teaching (Seconary) Master of Teaching (School Counselling) 1.a bachelor’s egree in exercise an sports sciences, or health sciences, or a relevant iscipline from the University of Syney or equivalent qualification; an 2.completion of the curriculum area specialization requirements specifie by the faculty; an 3.completion of any aitional qualifying courses prescribe by the Faculty. 莫纳什大学 Eucation
Master of Eucation 有8个方向: Ault learning Applie behaviour analysis Digital learning Early chilhoo eucation Eucational leaership an policy Expert teaching practice General eucation stuies Inclusive an special eucation 学制:1年、1.5年、2年 学费:A$21,500/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分6.5,单项6.0 托福总分79,写作21,听力12,阅读13,口语18 学术要求: Duration: 2 years A bachelor egree (or equivalent) in any fiel with at least a creit (60%)average. Duration: 1.5 years A bachelor egree (or equivalent) in any fiel with at least a creit (60%)average an a minimum of two years relevant professional experience. 或 A bachelor egree (or equivalent) in a relate fiel with at least a creit(60%) average. 或 A bachelor (honours) egree an/or grauate certificate an/or grauateiploma (or equivalent) in any fiel with at least a creit (60%) average. Duration: 1 years A bachelor egree (or equivalent) in a relate fiel with at least a creit(60%) average an a minimum of two years relevant professional experience. 或 A bachelor (honours) egree an/or grauate certificate an/or grauateiploma (or equivalent) in any fiel with at least a creit (60%) averagean a minimum of two years relevant professional experience. 或 A bachelor (honours) egree an/or grauate certificate an/or grauateiploma (or equivalent) in a relate fiel with at least a creit (60%)average. TESOL
Master of TESOL 学制:1年、1.5年、2年 学费:A$21,500/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分6.5,单项6.0 托福总分79,写作21,听力12,阅读13,口语18 学术要求: Duration: 2 years An Australian unergrauate egree (or equivalent) with at least 60% average. Duration: 1.5 years An Australian unergrauate egree (or equivalent) in Eucation or a cognate iscipline as relevant to the specialisation with at least a 60% average 或 An Australian unergrauate egree (orequivalent) with at least a 60% average an a minimum of two years of full timeequivalent relevant professional experience. 或 A four-year Australianunergrauate honours egree (or equivalent) an/or an Australian grauatecertificate an/or an Australian grauate iploma with at least a 60% average. Or An Australian masters egree (or equivalent)with at least a creit (60%) average. Duration: 1 years full-time An Australian unergrauate egree (or equivalent) in Eucation or a cognate iscipline as relevant to the specialisation with at least a creit (60%) average an a minimum of two years of full time relevant professional experience. 或 A four-year Australian unergrauate honours egree (or equivalent) an/or an Australian grauate certificate an/or an Australian grauate iploma in Eucation or a cognate iscipline as relevant to the specialisation with at least a creit (60%) average. 或 A four-year Australian unergrauate honoursegree (or equivalent) an/or an Australian grauate certificate an/or anAustralian grauate iploma with at least a creit (60%) average an a minimumof two years of full time relevant professional experience. 或 An Australian masters egree (or equivalent) in Eucation or a cognate iscipline as relevant to the specialisation with at least a creit (60%) average. 或 An Australian masters egree (or equivalent)with at least a creit (60%) average an a minimum of two years of full timerelevant professional experience. Teaching
Master of Teaching 有7个方向: Early years an primary eucation Early years eucation Primary an seconary eucation (accelerate) Primary an seconary eucation Primary eucation Seconary eucation (accelerate) Seconary eucation 学制:2年 学费:AU$22,000/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.5,阅读、写作7.0,听力、口语8.0 托福总分102,阅读24,听力28,写作27,口语26 学术要求: 1.An Australian unergrauate egree (or equivalent) with at least a pass average (50%). 2.Stuents applying for the Seconary Eucation specialisation are also require to qualify for two teaching specialist areas or one ouble teaching specialist area. 3.Stuents applying for the Primary an Seconary Eucation specialisation are also require to qualify for one teaching specialist area at seconary level. 新南威尔士大学 Eucation
Master of Eucation 有8个方向: Eucational Psychology Eucational Stuies Higher Eucation Special Eucation Teacher Professional Learning Visual Arts Eucation Assessment an Evaluation Gifte Eucation 学制:1年 学费:AU$31,400 入学时间:2月、7月 语言要求: 雅思总分6.5,单项不低于6.0 托福总分90,写作23,口语、阅读、听力22 学术要求: Stuents must meet the following selection requirements for entry to the Grauate Certificate of Eucation an the Master of Eucation: A recognise Bachelor egree an a postgrauate teaching qualification (e.g. Grauate Diploma of Eucation or Master of Teaching). 或 A four year pre-service teacher eucation qualification, incluing professional experience, equivalent to the qualifications require for Grauate teacher status in NSW. An applicant who submits evience of other equivalent acaemic an professional qualifications may be permitte to enrol in the egree. TESOL
Master of TESOL 学制:1年 学费:AU$31,440/年 入学时间:2月、7月 语言要求: 雅思总分6.5,单项6.0 托福总分90,写作23,阅读、听力、口语22 学术要求: A recognise Bachelor egree an a postgrauate teaching qualification (e.g. Grauate Diploma of Eucation or Master of Teaching). 或 A four year pre-service teacher eucation qualification, incluing professional experience, equivalent to the qualifications require for Grauate teacher status in NSW. Teaching
Master of Teaching (Seconary) 学制:1.5年 学费:AU$31,440 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.5,写作、阅读7.0,口语、听力8.0 托福总分102,写作27,阅读24,听力28,口语26 学术要求: Stuents wishing to stuy the Master of Teaching (Seconary) must have complete an unergrauate egree which inclue stuy that meets the prerequisites for your selecte teaching methos or specialisation(s) 昆士兰大学 Eucation
Master of Eucational Stuies 学制:1年 学费:AU$26,464/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求:雅思总分6.5,单项6.0 学术要求: Approve bachelor honours egree in the same iscipline with a GPA of 4; 或 Approve egree with a GPA of 4 an an AQF Level 8 GDipE (or equivalent) with a GPA of 4. TESOL
Master of Applie Linguistics 学制:1年 学费:AU$28,976/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求: 雅思总分6.5,单项6.0 学术要求: Approve bachelor honours egree in the same iscipline; 或 Approve egree in the same iscipline with a GPA of 4.5 an an AQF Level 8 Grauate Diploma in Eucation. Teaching
Master of Teaching 有2个方向: Seconary Primary Master of Teaching (Seconary) 学制:2年 学费:AU$26,464/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求:雅思总分7.5,口语、听力8.0,阅读、写作7.0 学术要求: An approve egree or equivalent qualification from an approve tertiary institution that meets the requirements for two teaching areas of the seconary curriculum in Australian schools. Stuents will be require to submit a statement aressing non-acaemic criteria. Master of Teaching (Primary) 学制:2年 学费:AU$39,696/年 入学时间:2月 语言要求:雅思总分7.5,口语、听力8.0,阅读、写作7.0 学术要求: An appropriate bachelor egree (AQF Level 7) or equivalent qualification from an approve tertiary institution which inclues the equivalent of at least one full year of stuy in areas relevant to one or more learning areas of the primary school curriculum in Australian schools (i.e., course that link to school curriculum content areas such as mathematics, English, science, history, geography, The Arts, health an physical eucation, ICT). 阿德莱德大学 Eucation
Master of Eucation 学制:2年 学费:AU$35,000/年 入学时间:7月 语言要求: 雅思总分6.5,单项6.0 托福总分79,阅读、听力13,口语18,写作21 学术要求: Bachelor egree or equivalent. TESOL
无TESOL课程 Teaching
Master of Teaching 学制:2年 学费:AU$35,000/年 入学时间:7月 语言要求: 雅思总分7.0,单项7.0 托福总分94,阅读、听力24,口语23,写作27 学术要求: 1.A Bachelor egree or equivalent from a recognise Australian or International higher eucation institution. 2.At least a major an a minor an preferably two majors in the bachelor egree which align with the available specialist teaching areas. 3.Other non-acaemic criteria may also applie. 西澳大学 Eucation
Master of Eucation 有2个方向 Coursework Thesis & Coursework Master of Eucation - Coursework 学制:1年 学费:AU$30,500/年 入学时间:2月、7月 语言要求:雅思总分6.5,单项不低于6.0 学术要求: 1.a bachelor’s egree, or an equivalent qualification, as recognise by UWA; an 2.a relevant postgrauate egree requiring at least one year of full-time stuy, or an equivalent qualification, as recognise by UWA; an least two years of relevant full-time professional experience or evience of aequate research preparation, as recognise by UWA; 或 1.a Bachelor of Eucation, or an equivalent qualification, as recognise by UWA; an least two years of relevant full-time professional experience or evience of aequate research preparation, as recognise by UWA; 或 1.a egree requiring at least four years of full-time stuy; an least two years of relevant full-time professional experience; an 3.evience of aequate research preparation, as recognise by UWA; 或 1.a grauate iploma that articulates with the Master of Eucation. Master of Eucation - Thesis & Coursework 学制:1.5年 学费:AU$45,750⁄1.5年 入学时间:2月 语言要求:雅思总分6.5,单项不低于6.0 学术要求: 1.a bachelor’s egree of this University; an 2.complete a postgrauate course in eucation requiring at least one year of full-time stuy; an 3.either two years’ full-time relevant professional experience or aequate research preparation emonstrate to the satisfaction of the Faculty; 或 1.the Bachelor of Eucation of this University; an 2.either two years’ full-time relevant professional experience or aequate research preparation emonstrate to the satisfaction of the Faculty; 或 1.a egree requiring at least four years of full-time stuy; an 2.two years’ full-time professional experience in the fiel of eucation; an 3.aequate research preparation emonstrate to the satisfaction of the Faculty; 或 1.a grauate iploma of this University that articulates with the Master of Eucation with an average of at least 65 per cent in three coursework units incluing a mark of at least 65 per cent in EDUC5631 Approaches to Research; 或 1.complete at least three units towars a grauate iploma that articulates with the Master of Eucation; an 2.complete units relevant to the requirements of the master’s course an; 3.achieve an average mark of at least 65 per cent in three coursework iploma units incluing a mark of at least 65 per cent in EDUC5631 Approaches to Research. TESOL
无TESOL课程 Teaching
Master of Teaching- Coursework (Early Chilhoo) 学制:2年 学费:AU$6,349/学分 入学时间:2月 语言要求:雅思总分7.5,口语、听力8.0,阅读、写作7.0 学术要求: 1.To be consiere for amission to this course, an applicant must have: (a) a bachelor’s egree, or an equivalent* qualification, as recognise by UWA an (b) at least one year of the bachelor’s egree, relevant to one or more learning areas in the Early Chilhoo school curriculum. 2.Applicants who have a bachelor’s egree in eucation, or an equivalent qualification, as recognise by UWA, are not eligible for amission. 3.Applicants with qualifications from institutions where English is not the meium of instruction must provie evience of English language competence, with applicants presenting with IELTS Acaemic requiring an overall score of at least 7.5, with no sub-score less than 7.0, an no less than 8.0 in speaking an listening. Applicants presenting with Cambrige English: Avance (CAE) require an overall grae of B or above, with a score of ‘exceptional’ for listening an speaking, an at least ‘goo’ for reaing an writing. 4.Applicants with qualifications gaine wholly in English from countries other than Australia, New Zealan, the Republic of Irelan, Canaa, the Unite Kingom an the Unite States of America must provie evience of English language competence in accorance with the requirements of the Teacher Registration Boar of Western Australia. 5.An English briging course is not regare as evience of English language competence. 6.International stuents must obtain a criminal recor check from their country of origin or recent resience.
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