对于学校的选择, 老师觉得要拉开梯度选择,不可轻视学校。港大,中文,科技属于一个层次的学校,城市和理工属于一个层次。浸会、教育学院和岭南属于一个层次。 浸会只有信息工程相关,没有电子相关专业。如果不选择浸会,那就是前五个大学。
Master of Science (MSc) in Avance Information Systems 先进信息系统
科学, 工程 ,或 IT相关专业 ,精通英语。 需要提供雅思成绩。
Applicants shoul normally:
(a) possess a bachelor ’ s egree in science, engineering, IT or relevant fiels from a recognize university or equivalent qualification; an
(b) be proficient in English. (Applicants not using English as the meium of learning in their bachelor ’ s egree programme are require not only to provie evience of English proficiency (e.g. satisfactory results in TOEFL, IELTS, the College English Test in mainlan China, or English proficiency courses in recognize universities), but also to atten an interview for further evaluation of their English proficiency.)
For exceptional cases in which applicants have other qualifications but substantial experience in IT, we will etermine their suitability base on iniviual merits an interviews.
Master of Science (MSc) in Foo Analysis an Foo Safety Management 食品研究和食品安全管理
雅思 6.5
Applicants shoul:
possess a bachelor ’ s egree from a recognise university or equivalent qualification in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Foo Science, an Meical Science. Holers of a bachelor ’ s egree or equivalent qualification in other Physical an Life Sciences, where relevant backgroun in biology an chemistry are provie or with an aitional one year of relevant work experience will also be consiere; an
(b) fulfill any one of the following English requirements: (i) TOEFL: score of 550 (paper-base), 213 (computerbase), 79 (internet-base); (ii) IELTS (acaemic): overall ban at 6.5; (iii) CET-6 (College English Test ban 6): score of 450; or a pass in CET 6 for the ol version of CET; (iv) having successfully grauate from a bachelor ’ s egree programme that aopts English as the meium of instruction
Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental an Public Health Management 环境和公共健康管理
申请人如高级文凭持有者不具备一个正式的学位资格 ,但大量的记录在环境管理相关工作经验(通常5年或以上)可能被考虑。
雅思 6.5
Applicants shoul possess:
a bachelor ’ s egree from a recognize university or comparable institution in any iscipline; or
a qualification eeme to be equivalent. Applicants such as higher iploma holers who o not possess a formal egree qualification, but have substantial ocumente relevant work experience in environmental management (normally 5 years or above) may be consiere.
If the meium of instruction for the unergrauate stuy of the applicant is not English, then the applicant is expecte to emonstrate his/her English proficiency by fulfilling either one of the following:
TOFEL score of at least 550 (paper-base), 213 (computer base) or 79 (internet-base);
IELTS score of at least 6.5 (acaemic); or
the new College English Test (CET-6) of China score of at least 450 or a pass in ol CET-6 test; or
Master of Science (MSc) in Information Technology Management 信息技术管理
雅思综合得分至少 6.0;
Applicants shoul normally possess a bachelor ’ s egree in Science, Engineering, Business or other relevant fiels from a recognize university or comparable institution or a qualification eeme to be equivalent; an
b. If applicants i not use English as the meium of learning in their bachelor ’ s egree programmes, they shoul satisfy any one of the following English proficiency requirements:IELTS overall ban score of at least 6.0;
TOEFL score of at least 537 (paper-base) or 203 (computer-base) or 74 (internet-base);
Other equivalent qualifications (e.g. CET-6 score of at least 450)
Applicants having other qualifications but substantial experience in Information Technology will also be consiere. Applicants may be interviewe to etermine their suitability for stuying the programme
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服务专线: 400-010-8000
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