2019年第一学期和第二学期,申请昆士兰大学理学院的优秀学生,有机会获得3000澳币的奖学金。 > 详细的奖学金信息和奖学金申请条件可查询昆大奖学金网址。
第一学期奖学金申请的截止时间是2019年1月15日 。
In Semester 1 an Semester 2, 2019 the Faculty of Science is offering $3,000 scholarships to high-achieving international stuents who can emonstrate their potential to contribute to science. Stuents must have active applications for any unergrauate or postgrauate Faculty of Science program at UQ at the time of applying.
Scholarship information, incluing eligibility criteria an how to apply, can be foun on the UQ Scholarships website. Please note that applications for this scholarship will be close on January 15 for Semester 1 intake.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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