能源、土木基础设施与气候硕士Energy, Civil Infrastructure an Climate 学制1年
工程与项目管理硕士Engineering& Project Management 学制1年
环境工程硕士Environmental Engineering学制1年
地质系统(地质工程)GeoSystems Engineering 学制1年
结构工程、力学与材料 Structural Engineering,Mechanics an Materials 学制1年
系统工程(土木)System(Civil System)学制1年
交通运输工程 Transportation Engineering 学制1年
Water Quality Engineering
Water is essential to society an the ecological systems on which it epens. As water moves through the hyrologic cycle it can become contaminate with substances that pose risks to living things. Water quality engineering aresses the sources, transport an treatment of chemical an microbiological contaminants that affect water. Research an coursework in water quality engineering at Berkeley focus on assessment of the sources, fate an transport of contaminants an the evelopment of natural an engineere treatment systems for chemical contaminants an human pathogens. Because water quality is intimately linke to water quantity an movement, stuents in the water quality area frequently pursue research an coursework relate to environmental flui mechanics an hyrology.
The best way to obtain an overview of water quality engineering at UC Berkeley is to visit the homepages of our faculty members. On the faculty homepages you can rea overviews of current research projects an fin links to recent publications. To learn more about current an future research opportunities, contact the faculty member by e-mail.
&miot;Lisa Alvarez-Cohen
&miot;Ashok Gagil
&miot;Slawomir Hermanowicz
&miot;Kara Nelson
&miot;Davi Selak
&miot;Garrison Sposito
See Berkeley Acaemic Guie for all course escriptions.
The water quality engineering program inclues grauate an unergrauate classes in a variety of areas of potential interest to masters an octoral stuents. As part of the MS program, stuents specializing in water quality engineering take 1 or both core classes in water quality engineering an 2 of the core classes from those liste for Air Quality Engineering an Environmental Flui Mechanics or Hyrology. The remaining courses may be taken from a number of ifferent areas, provie that they meet the university requirements with respect to grauate egrees.
Water Quality Engineering
&miot;CE 210A Pathogens an Water Quality
&miot;CE 211A Environmental Physical-Chemical Processes
&miot;CE 211B Environmental Biological Processes
&miot;CE 217 Environmental Chemical Kinetics
Other Environmental Engineering courses
&miot;CE 113 Engineering for Water Quality Improvement
&miot;CE 114 Environmental Microbiology
&miot;CE 115 Water Chemistry
&miot;CE 116 Environmental Aqueous Geochemistry
&miot;CE 173 Grounwater an Seepage
&miot;CE 200A Environmental Flui Mechanics
&miot;CE 203 Surface Water Hyrology
Other selecte elective courses (not all courses are offere every year)
&miot;ARE 262 Environmental Economics
&miot;CRP 214 Infrastructure Planning an Policy
&miot;CRP 251 Environmental Planning an Regulation
&miot;ECON 162 Economics of Water Resources
&miot;ESPM 167 Environmental Health an Development
&miot;LA 227 Restoration of Rivers an Streams
&miot;NE 175 Methos of Risk Analysis
&miot;PH 220C Risk Assessment, Policy, an Toxics Regulation
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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