University of Cambrige 剑桥大学
MPhil in Meical Science (Clinical Biochemistry) 临床生物化学
Stuents receive training in scientific laboratory skills an methos appropriate to the project.
All grauate stuents at the MRL are encourage to atten an appropriate range of training courses provie by the Grauate School of Life Sciences an to receive careers avice from the University Careers Service.
There is an energetic stuent community at the Metabolic Research Laboratories (MRL) that organises regular events such as journal clubs, as well as an annual stuent symposium. These events provie valuable experience in all aspects of organisng scientific events, incluing managing bugets, arranging catering, scheuling speakers an marketing iniviual events.
The MPhil programme offere by the Department of Clinical Biochemistry in the Metabolic Research Laboratories (MRL) is a supervise, 1-year, laboratory-base research course, with each stuent conucting their MPhil project uner the irection of their Principal Supervisor. The course is entirely by research. Stuents shoul expect to receive regular supervision from their principal supervisor, ieally at least once a month, an formal feeback each term. Stuents also atten regular lab meetings an will present their work at the annual MRL Stuent Symposium.
Stuents shoul expect to receive regular supervision from their principal supervisor, ieally at least once a month, an formal feeback each term.
This is a research-base MPhil. There are no set practicals but stuents are expecte to unertake a minimum of 40 hours/week research for at least 44 weeks/year.
学校名称:University of Oxfor 牛津大学
专业名称:MSc by Research in Biochemistry 生物化学 (两年课程)
You will be amitte irectly to a particular research area le by epartmental members who will be appointe MSc by Research supervisors. Stuents who have been amitte to a particular research supervisor will not normally o laboratory rotations. You will be base in a research lab an unertake research on a subject agree with your supervisor.
There are no taught courses examine by written papers, but you will have access to a wie range of lecture courses at a taught master’s level an founation or preliminary level, as appropriate. If you have change fiels, this will enable you to fill in gaps in your backgroun knowlege. There is also a wie range of courses an workshops which you can atten to acquire skills that will be necessary for the prosecution an presentation of your research, as well as your professional evelopment as a research scientist.
You will begin your course as a probationary research stuent an near the en of your first year you will transfer to a MSc by Research status. To transfer your status, you must apply formally, submit a research report an statement of future research plans, an take an inepenent assessment by an assessor. Continuation in the programme is subject to the stuent passing the transfer of status exam.
The MSc by Research in Biochemistry is normally a two year course
Research areas for the MSc by Research in Biochemistry currently inclue:
molecular biochemistry an chemical biology
structural biology of cell surface an nuclear signal transuction processes, cell ahesion, cell cycle, membrane proteins, receptors an ion channels, rug esign, protein foling an ynamics
moelling an simulation of biological membrane systems
bionanotechnology an its application to cancer
targeting viral morphogenesis in antiviral strategies
integrative systems biology (ynamics of molecular regulatory networks, multiimensional optical proteomics)
bacterial an parasite respiratory proteins
bacterial cell biology, protein transport
control of eukaryotic gene expression
kinase signalling to gene inuction
mRNA localisation in rosophila
epigenetic control of chromatin an gene expression
evelopmental epigenetics
DNA recombination an repair
bacterial chromosome ynamics
sister chromati cohesion
genetic moelling of human isease
genetics of nematoe immunity an evelopment
cell biology of innate immunity in rosophila
genetic efects of mitochonrial energy metabolism
cell proliferation an cell fate etermination uring C. elegans evelopment.
雅思要求:雅思7.5 单项不低于7.0
学校名称:University of Bath 巴斯大学
Molecular Microbiology 分子微生物学
Programme structure
Commonly chosen 6-creit units inclue:
Infection an immunity
Microbial genetics
Topics in environmental plant virology
Microbial pathogenicity
Plant-microorganism interactions
Structural biology in biotechnology & meicine
Microbial evolution - from the laboratory to nature
Molecular evolution an phylogenetics
Pathogenesis an immune evasion by microbes
Molecular biology of microbial aaptation
语言要求:IELTS 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each of the four components) or equivalent.
University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学
专业名称:Biochemistry MSc 生物化学
Biochemistry is the stuy of the chemical properties of biologically important molecules an processes in cells an tissues. It eals with the structure an function of cellular components, such as proteins, carbohyrates, lipis, nucleic acis, an other biomolecules. Biochemical unerstaning is funamental to all biological isciplines. While much of moern biochemistry aims to provie an unerstaning of funamental biological processes at a molecular level, it also contributes to the solving of meical problems an the iscovery of safe an effective rugs. This programme allows stuents to gain research experience in contemporary biochemistry, which may be a ifferent area to their first egree, an professional skills, before eciing on a future career in inustry or acaemic research.
Tutorial an Workshop
Research Placement 1
Research Placement 2
Communication Skills (0 creit)
Scientific Communication
Statistics & Experimental Design
PGT Avisor Meeting 1
PGT Avisor Meeting 2
PGT Avisor Meeting 3
PGT Avisor Meeting 4 (Placement 2)
Post Grauate Acaemic Literacy Programme (ALP)
语言要求:雅思成绩6.5 单项不低于6.5
University of Einburgh 爱丁堡大学
专业名称:Meicinal an Biological Chemistry
Meicinal an Biological Chemistry requires a thorough unerstaning of molecules, their structures, properties an synthesis, but it also emans the chemical unerstaning of the nature of biological structures, from macromolecules to cells, the esign of pharmaceutical materials in the laboratory an their function in clinical settings.
The knowlege an skills acquire in the course will leave grauates well equippe to compete for positions relate to 'rug iscovery' in chemical, pharmaceutical or biotechnological companies.
Programme escription
The egree consists of avance lecture courses in:
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Chemical Biology
Meicinal Chemistry
Biophysical Chemistry
These are stuie concurrently with a preominantly practical base course offering an introuction to research methos.
语言要求:雅思6.5 单项不低于6.0
University of Leicester 莱斯特大学
课程名称:Bioinformatics MSc: 生物信息
This moule teaches the basic skills necessary to progress through the course. We begin with an introuction to Linux an eal with the installation of software an applying upates an patches. The next component hanles the intricacies of the Linux operating system incluing files, archives an compression systems. This provies the basis for more avance aspects of configuring the computer an installing software. An introuction to the concepts of web-page esign conclues this moule.
Programming: Java an Databases for Bioinformatics
This moule introuces you to the basic ieas for eveloping software to solve a problem. These ieas are introuce in the object oriente programming language Java. You will also be introuce to the evelopment of graphical user interfaces an applets in Java. The secon aspect of the moule covers the use of computer atabases, an more importantly for a bioinformatician, how they can be esigne, built an querie efficiently.
Programming: Perl for Bioinformatics
Perl is a scripting language that enables bioinformatics housekeeping tasks, but is also powerful enough to be use in most bioinformatics webservers an applications. You will learn the key commans an programming structures use in Perl. Following the material covere in lectures you evelop your programming skills by solving small programming problems in tutorials. The moule enables you to write original Perl programs in a bioinformatics context, but also utilise existing solutions an structures in public omain resources.
Algorithms for Bioinformatics
Processing biological ata requires complex computations on large volumes of ata. This moule introuces you to the algorithmic solutions of such computational problems an also covers the probabilistic moels that unerlie the ata processing tasks in bioinformatics.
Gene an Genome Analysis
This moule informs you of the broa role of bioinformatics in genetics an genomics. You cover basic molecular an cellular processes unerlying gene expression, genome structure an evolution an the techniques use to stuy them. You will then explore genome sequencing projects an genome annotation as major bioinformatics applications as well as functional an comparative genomics. Statistical analyses unerpin many informatic challenges in biology, so you will apply statistical tools (specifically the R programming language) to two major research topics: transcriptomics an molecular evolution.
This moule introuces you to the basic features of protein structures an methos use in structure etermination. A central feature is hans-on training in the visualisation an comparison of protein structures. You will also learn theory an practice in alignment an comparison of amino aci sequences an how these can be use. We also introuce you to molecular moelling an iscuss the rug esign process, incluing visiting speakers from the pharmaceutical inustry.
语言要求:雅思6.5 单项不低于6.0
University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学
专业设置:Inustrial Physical Biochemistry MRes 生物化学
The awar of MRes requires 180 creits for completion.
You will unertake a taught moule 'Funamentals of Biomolecular Science' uring the autumn semester (20 creits) incluing lectures, tutorials an a practical.
The research project (140 creits) spans both semesters from the start of the course (late September) until the en of August the following year. This is an opportunity to complete a major piece of inepenent research uner the supervision of a member of acaemic staff. The project can be unertaken wholly or partially in an inustrial company’s laboratory.
Stuents also take 20 creits Grauate School Generic Training moules.
Funamentals of Biomolecular Science D24BT7 (20 Creits)
This moule covers: Macromolecular size an shape. Basic Physical Biochemistry (1st & 2n laws of thermoynamics). Water as a solvent: pH, ionic strength. Concentration of solutions of macromolecules an its measurement. Dilute solutions. Solubility: Raoult's & Henry's laws. Colligative properties: Osmotic pressure. Non-ieality of macromolecular solutions. The volume an charge effects of macromolecules. Basic Laboratory Skills, hanling experimental ata, Error an approximations. Criteria for rejecting ata. Inices, logarithms. Statistical funtion keys on calculators. Macromolecular hyration. Heterogeneity of macromolecular solutions - molecular weight averages. Flexibility of linear macromolecules - persistence length an raius of gyration. Absolute an relative methos for etermining the molecular weight of macromolecules. Hyroynamic an imaging techniques. SDS PAGE, Analytical Ultracentrifugation. Basic Colloial Science, Phase Separation.
Statistics an Experimental Design for Bioscientists (10 creits)
This moule explains the major principles an techniques of statistical analysis of research ata without becoming too involve in the unerlying mathematics. Now that computer software is very well establishe for ata analysis, it is more important to unerstan WHAT a statistical test is oing (an thus whether or not it is appropriate) than to be able to perform the unerlying calculations by han. It is equally important to collect ata in an appropriate an planne manner for later analysis. At the en of the course, participants shoul have an overall grasp of the major analytical techniques available, an how they relate to each other, an have evelope abilities in experimental esign, ata analysis using appropriate software an presentation of results.
Writing an Reviewing Research Proposals (10 creits)
This moule aims to evelop your skills in analysis an writing of research proposals. Specific areas covere inclue: how to evelop a research iea an write a grant application an peer review of research proposals.
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