Q 1:If I’m aske to give my biometrics, oes that mean my application is approve?
如果我被要求提供我的生物信息,那是否意味着我的申请被批准了? QA&
Answer: No. Giving your biometrics is one of the steps you nee to o before we can process your application. Once you give us your biometrics, we’ll use them to assess your application.
Q 2: Why o I have to give my biometrics (fingerprints an photo) when I apply?
Answer: Most people have to give biometrics when they apply for a visitor visa, a stuy or work permit or permanent resience.Canaian visa officers use biometrics to confirm your ientity. Biometrics also helps to:
l make it more ifficult for someone to forge, steal or use your ientity,
l resolve problems or errors that may happen if your name, ate of birth an/or place of birth are similar to those of someone else
l confirm your ientity the next time you apply, so it is easier for you to re-enter Canaa.
Q 3: Will it take longer to process my application because I have to give biometrics?
Answer: It epens on the type of application.For all applications, give us your biometrics as quickly as possible after we sen you the letter that tells you how an where to give your biometrics. If there is no biometric service available where you live, you may nee extra time to travel to a service location. Fin the location closest to you.
l For visitor visa, stuy or work permit applicants:
The time it takes you to give your biometrics isn’t inclue in the application processing time.
The sooner you provie your biometrics, the sooner we can start processing your application.
After we sen you a request, you have up to 30 ays to submit your biometrics.
l For most permanent resient applicants:
The time it takes you to give your biometrics is inclue in the application processing time.
l 访客签证、学习或工作许可证申请人:
l 大部分永久性居民申请人:
Q4: If my visa, work or stuy permit application is refuse, will I have to give biometrics for my next application?
Answer: No, when you apply for a visitor visa or a work or stuy permit an you give your biometrics, they will stay vali for a 10 year perio, even if your visa or permit application is refuse or has expire.
Q5: If I am in Canaa, o I have to give my biometrics immeiately?
Answer:If you’re in Canaa an you apply for a visitor visa, stuy permit, work permit or permanent resient visa or status, you on’t have to give your biometrics until we open collection centres in Canaa in 2019.
When the new collection centres are open in Canaa, you’ll have to give biometrics for your next application, incluing a renewal or an extension.
Q6: Do I nee to give my biometrics to visit Canaa if I’m in the Unite States an I’ve alreay given my biometrics when I entere the U.S.?
Answer: Yes. If you’re a foreign national (not a U.S. national) visiting or living in the Unite States, you’ll still nee to give your biometrics to Canaa. You only nee to give your biometrics once you get the letter from us that asks you for it. In the Unite States, you can give your biometrics at any of the 135 Application Support Centers.
Q7: What if I have a Canaian visa that has not yet expire when you start taking biometrics from citizens of my country or territory?
Answer:If you have a vali visitor visa, you won't nee to give your biometrics until the next time you apply.
Q8:I cover my hea or face for religious or cultural reasons. What will happen when I go to have my photo taken for biometrics?
Answer:When you have your photograph taken, your whole face must be clearly visible.
You may request to have your photo taken by an operator of the same gener an you may ask for a privacy curtain.
Q9:If I get my photo taken for biometrics, o I still nee to submit a paper photograph as part of my application?
Answer:No. We’ll use the igital photograph taken when you give your biometrics.
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