英国本科申请通道 UCAS第一轮申请即将截止,以下重要日期和注意事项请小伙伴们注意啦!!!
2019-1-15 第一轮申请截止时间多数课程将关闭申请在这之后有些课程还可以继续申请,但是位置有限
2019-2-25 Extra阶段开始如果申请的五所学校都没有录取,没有学校接受的情况下,学生可以添加一所额外的申请
2019-6-30 补录阶段开始没有拿到录取的学生可以选择补录
2019-7-5 补录网申开放
2019-8-31 无条件截止时间
2019-9-2020 19年入学季申请关闭
UCAS Unergrauate: when to apply何时申请
For courses starting in 2019 (an for eferre applications), your application shoul be with us at UCAS by one of these ates – epening on what courses you apply for. If your complete application – incluing all your personal etails an your acaemic reference – is submitte by the ealine, it is guarantee to be consiere.
15 January 2019 at 18:00 (UK time) – for the majority of courses.
Some course proviers require aitional amissions tests to be taken alongsie the UCAS application, an these may have a ealine.
If you on’t meet the main application ealine, you can still apply for many courses.
We recommen you ask the universities whether they have vacancies first – especially for courses with a 15 October ealine, as it’s unusual for them to consier late applications because their courses are really competitive.
30 June, 18:00 (UK time) – the final ealine for late applications with course choices
20 September, 18:00 (UK time) – it’s still okay to apply by this ate, but instea of choosing courses, you’ll be entere into ‘Clearing’ – the process universities an colleges use to fill any places they still have on their courses
9月20日,18:00(英国时间)-在此日期之前申请仍然可以,但不是选择课程,而是进入“补录” -大学和学院用来填补他们没有招满的名额,此时可能没有那么多专业可供选择了
International stuents国际学生 While the 15 October ealine is usually inflexible, on’t worry if you miss the January ealine. 错过了1月的截止日期还是可以提交申请的,不要太担心!
Many universities an colleges will continue to accept applications from international stuents until later in the year, nearer the beginning of the course.
Don’t leave it too late though, because if you o get a place, you’ll still nee to arrange a visa an your accommoation.
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