中国政法大学外国语学院是一所多语种、开放型的教学科研单位。 中国政法大学外国语学院的前身为1994年成立的外语系,2002年改制为学院。目前学院拥有五个硕士学位授权学科专业,一个法律翻译专业硕士点(MTI)和法律英语、法律翻译、法律德语三个本科专业。
The School of Foreign Languages (SFL) at China University of Political Science an Law is a language teaching an scientific research institution that offers multilingual an open courses. Foune in 1994, it was initially name the Department of Foreign Languages, an in 2002, it was rename the School of Foreign Languages. Up to now, SFL has 5 authorize isciplines of master’s egree, one professional master’s egree (Master of Translation an Interpretation, MTI), an three unergrauate majors in Legal English, Legal Translation an Legal German.
SFL has 112 full-time faculty members, incluing 96 full-time teachers an 16 aministrators; besies SFL has 5 foreign teachers. In terms of the faculty number, it is the secon largest school at CUPL. They are teaching the courses relate to Legal English, Legal German, Legal Translation an Legal foreign language learning for postgrauates, as well as unertaking the teaching tasks of public foreign languages for unergrauates an postgrauates. The language of instruction covers 7 languages, incluing English, Japanese, Russian, French, German, Italian an Spanish.
SFL consists of five institutes, which are the Institute of English Language an Literature, the Institute of German Language an Literature, the Institute of French Language an Literature, the Institute of Russian Language an Literature, an the Institute of Translation an Interpreting. There are three epartments – the Department of English for Unergrauate Stuents, the Department of English for Grauate Stuents an the Department of Spanish Language, one center for professional master’s egree – Master of Translation an Interpretation (MTI), an one English Writing Center (the CUPL Writing Lab).
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