伯克利加州大学(University of California, Berkeley),简称伯克利,位于美国旧金山湾区伯克利市,是世界著名公立研究型大学、在学术界享有盛誉,位列2016年ARWU世界大学学术排名世界第3、USNews世界大学排名世界第4。
伯克利是加州大学的创始校区,也是美国最自由、最包容的大学之一;该校学生于1964年发起的“言论自由运动”在美国社会产生了深远影响,改变了几代人对政治和道德的看法。伯克利是世界上最重要的研究及教学中心之一,ARWU理科排名世界第1、工程及计算机均排名世界第3、人文社科也长期位列世界前5 ,与旧金山南湾的斯坦福大学共同构成了美国西部的学术中心。
截止2018年3月,伯克利相关人士中共有104位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第三)、13位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第五)和25位图灵奖得主(世界第二)。数学大师陈省身在此建立了美国国家数学科学研究所;“原子弹之父”奥本海默等人在此领导曼哈顿计划,制造出了人类第一枚原子弹、氢弹;诺贝尔物理学奖得主欧内斯特·劳伦斯在此发明了回旋加速器,并建立了美国顶级国家实验室劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 [32] ;诺贝尔化学奖得主西博格等人在此发现了十六种化学元素,在世界上遥遥领先,其中第97号元素“锫(Berkelium)”即是以“伯克利”命名。此外,伯克利为南湾的硅谷培养了大量人才,包括英特尔创始人戈登·摩尔、苹果公司创始人斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、特斯拉创始人马克·塔彭宁。大文豪杰克·伦敦、张爱玲、国学大师赵元任均曾在此求学或工作。
学校官网: https://www.berkeley.eu/
stuent profile
If you're applying for fall, be sure to complete these tests by December. SAT Subject Tests are no longer require. However, they are recommene for the College of Engineering an College of Chemistry: Math Level 2 an a science test (Biology E/M, Chemistry, or Physics) closely relate to your intene major. Inclue the scores in your application. UC uses the highest scores from a single test aministration. (Note: Our school coe is 4833.) If you report your scores to one campus, they will be share with every campus to which you've applie.
语言要求: https://amissions.berkeley.eu/requirements-international-stuents
You can emonstrate proficiency by meeting any of the following exam benchmarks. Keep in min that you must complete one of these exams by December of your final year of high school/seconary school an submit scores by the following January.
· Score 24 or higher for the ACT combine English/Writing or English Language Arts (ELA)
· Score 560 or higher on the Writing section of the SAT Reasoning test or a score of 31 or higher on Writing an Language in the SAT with Essay (the new SAT, taken March 2016 or later)
· Score 3, 4 or 5 on the AP examination in English Language an Composition, or English Literature an Composition
· Score 6 or 7 on the IB Stanar Level examination in English: Literature, or Language an Literature
· Score 5, 6 or 7 on the IB Higher Level examination in English: Literature, or Language an Literature
· Score 6.5 or higher on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
· Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) examination:
o Internet-base test (iBT): Minimum score of 80 or better
o Paper-base test (complete prior to Oct. 2017): Minimum score of 550 or better
截止日期: http://amission.universityofcalifornia.eu/how-to-apply/ates-ealines/inex.html
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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