【综排:5/专排:1】麻省理工学院(massachusetts institute of technology——mit)
专业:system esign an management(sm)
【综排:25/专排:2】卡内基梅隆大学(carnegie mellon university——cmu)
专业:master of informationsystems management﹙mism﹚
【综排:69/专排:3】明尼苏达大学(university of minnesota –twin cities——umn)
专业:mba with information systems specialization
【综排:56/专排:4】德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(university of texas at austin)
专业:mis bba program
【综排:124/专排:5】亚利桑那州立大学 - 坦佩(university of arizona﹚
专业:master‘s in mis ﹙online﹚
mba with an mis concentration (groun)
【综排:8/专排:6】宾夕法尼亚大学(university of pennsylvania——upenn)
专业:computer an information science (cis)
computer an information technology ﹙mcit﹚
【综排:5/专排:7】斯坦福大学(stanfor university——stanfor)
专业:operations, information & technology
【综排:30/专排:7】纽约大学(new york university——nyc)
专业:ms in information systems
【综排:61/专排:9】马里兰大学帕克分校(university of marylan, college park---umcp)
专业:master of science in information systems
【综排:90 /专排:10】印第安纳大学伯明顿分校 (iniana university–bloomington--iub)
专业:master of science in information systems﹙msis﹚
【专排:10】圣塔克拉拉大学(santa clara university)
专业:ms information systems
【综排:5】哥伦比亚大学(columbia university)
专业:library an information science ﹙ms﹚
【综排:21】加州大学伯克利分校(university of california–berkeley)
专业:master of information management an systems ﹙mims﹚ 2年
master of information an ata science ﹙mis﹚ part-time
master of information an cybersecurity ﹙mics﹚
【综排:28】密歇根大学安娜堡分校(university of michigan–ann arbor)
专业:the master of science in information ﹙msi﹚
【综排:30】纽约大学(new york university——nyu)
专业:ms in management an systems (sps stem)
【综排:30】北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(university of north carolina–chapel hill)
专业:master of science in information science(msis)
【综排:37】波士顿大学(boston university——bu ﹚
专业:ms in computer information systems
【综排:40】东北大学(northeastern university——neu)
专业:master of science in information systems
【综排:42】佛罗里达大学(university of floria——uf)
专业:information systems an operations management
【综排:42】伦斯勒理工学院(rensselaer polytechnic institute)
专业:m.s. in information technology
【综排:52】伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(university of illinois at urbana-champaign)
专业:master of science in information management
【综排:52】宾州州立大学帕克分校(pennsylvania state university–university park)
专业:information science ﹙in sc﹚
information sciences an technology ﹙ist﹚
【综排:56】康涅狄格大学(university of connecticut——uconn)
【综排:56】乔治华盛顿大学(george washington university——gwu)
专业:ms in information systems technology ﹙msist﹚
【综排:56】华盛顿大学(university of washington——uw)
专业:master of science in information systems
【综排:60】伍斯特理工学院(worcester polytechnic institute——wpi)
专业:information technology ﹙ms﹚
【综排:61】南卫理公会大学(southern methoist university——smu)
专业:engineering management information systems
【综排:61】福特汉姆大学(forham university)
专业:master of science in information systems ﹙msis﹚
【综排:61】雪城大学(syracuse university)
专业:ms in information management
【综排:68】匹兹堡大学 (university of pittsburgh——pitt)
专业:master of information systems
【综排:69】德克萨斯a&m大学﹙texas a&m university——tamu)
专业:master of science in information systems﹙ms-is﹚
【综排:69】罗格斯大学新伯朗士威校区(rutgers university new brunswick)
专业:master of information technology an analytics
【综排:69】斯蒂文斯理工学院﹙stevens institute of technology﹚
专业:information systems master‘s program
【综排:94】德雷塞尔大学 (rexel university——rexel u)
专业:information systems ﹙msis﹚
【综排:97】纽约州立大学布法罗分校(university at buffalo--suny)
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服务专线: 400-010-8000
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