原文: You must meet the University's English language requirements in orer to be assesse. 也就是说澳国立不会再出有语言条件的 offer ,不再提供语言课 + 硕士课程的 package offer ,雅思、托福等语言成绩将成为一项必备申请材料,达到了要求才可递交申请。这一点已经向北美国家的录取要求靠拢。
原文: You've passe our Eligibility Check an are through to the next stage when we rank your application against others'applying for the same program in the same roun.
申请人达到澳国立最低录取要求后, ANU 会根据申请人的条件进行排名,根据排名先后来录取。这样一来,录取的不确定性大大增加,不仅取决于申请人本身的条件,还取决于同一轮申请中所有候选人的整体素质。
7 分分制评估
原文: ANU uses a 7-point Grae Point Average(GPA)scale.All qualifications submitte for amission at ANU are converte to this common scale.This GPA will etermine if you meet our publishe amission requirements.
申请人的均分转换为 7 分制,转换后的均分将直接决定你是否达到 ANU 录取要求。以 Master of Applie Economics 为例:
在 Final Year 才能递交申请
原文: To make sure that you an all other caniates are fairly assesse,we exclue your final semester when we caculate your GPA.
We will consier your GPA for the first seven semesters of an eight semester program(excluing the final semester).
We will consier your results for the first five semesters of a six semester program(excluing the final semester).
3 年制本科有 5 个学期成绩方可递交, 4 年制本科有 7 个学期成绩才能递交。
与之前 4 年制本科用前五个学期成绩递交申请相比,差了整整一年,现在国内学生再也无法大三就拿澳国立的 offer 了。忽然觉得已经拿到 offer 或者已经入读 ANU 的学生无比幸运
原文: If you on't meet the minimum requirements for your preferre program,we notify you an give you an opportunity to preference a ifferent program with lower entry requirements.You will have until the application ealine to o this.
先前, ANU 允许申请人同时递交多个专业的申请,学校会优先审理第一意向专业,若不录取则依次审理第二专业。
Offer 将无法延期
原文: Your Letter of Offer will give you a ate by which you nee to accept your offer.Remember to accept your offer on time-if you on't,it's most likely your offer will be mae voi an you'll have to apply again at another time.
Also be aware that you cannot efer your offer to stuy at ANU.If you can't take up your place,you will nee to re-apply at a more suitable time.
之前,澳国立和澳洲其他大学一样, offer 最多可延期一年,比如拿到 2020 年 2 月的 offer ,若因雅思或其他原因无法准时入学,可以将 offer 延期到 2020 年 7 月或者 2021 年 2 月。
现在,拿到 2020 年 2 月的 offer 后,必须在 offer 上给出的截止日期前接受 offer ,逾期不接受的视为 offer 作废,且 offer 无法再延期,若希望下个开学期入学,需重新递交申请,和新一轮申请中的申请人再次竞争。
语言班取消?择优录取? 2020 年澳国立大学入学录取政策有点方!
2.ANU 设定最低录取标准,满足要求的申请人可以进入排名系统
2.ANU 设定最低录取标准,满足要求的申请人可以进入排名系统
1-3 轮申请有什么区别?
另外,第三轮录取结果的公布日期太晚,距离开学只有 1 个月左右的时间。
因此,无法保证这段期间满足换 COE 及签证申请等后期的操作。并且到了最后一轮很多专业或课程已经没有名额或仅剩很少的名额,这就使得竞争更加激烈。所以不建议大家到第三轮才进行申请。
Master/Grauate Certificate of Law
Master/Grauate Diploma of Legal Practice
Master/Grauate Diploma of Applie Cybernetics
Master/Grauate Diploma of Applie Data Analytics
Master/Grauate Diploma of Cyber Security,Strategy&Risk Management
Master/Grauate Diploma of Professional Psychology
Master/Grauate Diploma/Grauate Certificate of Military an Defense Stuies
Master of Innovation&Professional Practice
Master of Clinical Psychology
Master of Science Communication Outreach
Master of Science in Science Communication
Master of Business Aministration(incl.MBA Avance)
Executive Master of Public Aministration
Executive Master of Public Policy
Doctor of Meicine&Surgery(MChD)
学院会根据学生成绩情况和 offer 一起发放。也就是说你不用再担心错过学校的奖学金信息,因为只要你符合要求,学校会自动发给你的。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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