1新媒体 New meia
New Meia is the means of masscommunication using igital technologies such as the Internet. The new meia has also become central to the political arena.
2生物工程 Biotechnology
Biotchnology is the exploitation of biological processes for inustrial an other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the prouction of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
3有机农业 Organic agriculture
Organic Agriculture is a prouction system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems an people. It relies on ecological processes, bioiversity an cycles aapte to local conitions, rather than the use of inputs with averse effects.
4国土安全专业 Homelan security
Homelan security is an American umbrella term for "the national effort to ensure a homelan that is safe, secure, an resilient against terrorism an other hazars where American interests, aspirations, an ways of life can thrive to the national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the Unite States.
5网络商业和网络市场专业 E-business/e-marketing
This specialty focuses on business transactions conucte through the Internet an is often relate to customer communication, employee management, an business partner communication. Accoring to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the eman for stuents in this major will increase significantly above the average level of fresh grauates.
6电脑游戏设计 Computer game esign
这个10年前还闻所未闻的专业,现在已经在全美150多所高校扎下了根。有些学院注重游戏的研发;而另一些学校则强调游戏设计的艺术性,像凤凰城艺术学院;密执安州大将开设 “严肃游戏设计”的硕士专业,学生将得到国际游戏研发者协会的奖学金。
Computer Games Design explores game esign, storytelling an asset integration.
7法律财会专业 Forensic accounting
Forensic Accounting is the use of accounting skills to investigate frau or embezzlement an to analyse financial information for usein legal proceeings.
8社会与环境专业 Society an the environment
Environmental stuies is a multiisciplinary acaemic fiel which systematically stuies human interaction with the environment in the interests of solving complex problems. … It is a broa fiel of stuy that inclues the natural environment, the built environment, an the sets of relationships between them.
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