美国新闻与世界报道 ( U.S.NEWS )
—— 2018 年 美国大学综合排名第 11 位
—— 2017 年 美国大学综合排名第 10 位
—— 2016 年 美国大学综合排名第 10 位
—— 2015 年 美国高中升学顾问推荐大学排名 第 7 位(与加州理工学院、杜克大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、达特茅斯学院、康奈尔大学、布朗大学、乔治城大学并列)
2014 年 10 月,美国新闻与世界报道( U.S.NEWS )第一次联合英国汤森路透集团发布的 2015 全球大学排名世界第 11 ,美国第 9 。
2016-2017 泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名 ( THE )第 17
2015 年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名 ( THE )第 15
2015 年 QS 世界大学排名( Quacquarelli Symons Worl University Rankings )第 14
2014 世界大学学术排名( ARWU )第 17
1999 年至 2009 年间,霍普金斯大学在科研效价重要指标的“论文引用次数”全球排名第三,仅次于哈佛大学和德国普朗克研究院(后者为 80 多个研究机构的联合体)。
2018 年全球最佳大学排名第十。
作为一门科学,医学影像属于生物影像,并包含影像诊断学、放射学、内视镜、医疗用热影像技术、医学摄影和显微镜。另外,包括脑波图和脑磁造影等技术,虽然重点在于测量和记录,没有影像呈显,但因所产生的数据俱有定位特性 ( 即含有位置信息 ) ,可被看作是另外一种形式的医学影像。
约翰霍普金斯大学影像医学是 Biomeical Engineering 的研究方向之一,专业名称为 Biomeical imaging an instrumentation ,且约翰霍普金斯大学 Biomeical Engineering 项目和国内的清华大学有个双学位的项目
Deeply interisciplinary, biomeical engineering applies moern approaches from the experimental life sciences in conjunction with theoretical an computational methos from engineering, mathematics an computer science to the solution of biomeical problems of funamental importance, such as human health.
Require BI&I Focus Area Courses
BI&I focus area stuents are expecte to complete at least two of the following “core” courses:
§ Imaging Instrumentation (EN.580.693)
§ Principles of the Design of Biomeical Instrumentation (EN.580.771)
§ X-ray Imaging an Compute Tomography (EN.580.679)
§ Surgery for Engineers (EN.580.740)
§ Meical Imaging Systems (EN.580.472)
Application Requirements
A complete application inclues the following:
What GRE scores o I nee to get to be accepte?
There are no publishe universal GRE score minimums neee to be consiere for amission. Each epartment has its own criteria. Please keep in min that each applicant’s complete application – incluing your transcripts, letters of recommenation an other acaemic accomplishments – will be consiere before an amissions ecision is mae. Feel free to peruse the websiteof the epartment to which you are applying to see if they cite specific score requirements.
I have to take the TOEFL/IELTS. Is there a score minimum?
Applicants seeking amission who have taken the TOEFL test will preferably have a score of at least 100 for the Internet Base Test, 250 for the Computer Base Test, or 600 for the Paper Base Test. Applicants seeking amission who have taken the IELTS test will preferably have an acaemic Ban Score at least equal to 7.
there a minimum GPA?
There is no universal GPA neee to be consiere for amission. Each epartment has its own criteria. Please keep in min that each applicant’s complete application – incluing your transcripts, letters of recommenation an other acaemic accomplishments – will be consiere before an amissions ecision is mae.
Full-Time Grauate Stuent Expense
Please Note:
截至日期: Application Dealine
Fully complete applications must be submitte by January 4, 2019.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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