在美国留学文书当中,相信大家对于 PS 并不陌生,应该知道是个人陈述 (Personal Statement) ,但是对于 SOP ,可能知道的人就少了。但是往往有的美国留学的院校会要求提供 SOP ,下面就给大家说说 PS 和 SOP 的区别所在吧 !
PS ,相信准备美国留学申请的学生都不会陌生,而 SOP ,大家会认为跟 PS 一样,都是个人陈述,所写的内容也是一样的。其实不然, PS 和 SOP 是有区别的,有些美国大学会要求同时提交 PS 和 SOP 。下面是 Umich ME 对 SOP 和 PS 的解释,并且 UMich 要求同时提交 SOP 和 PS 。
Statement of Purpose (SOP): The Statement of Purpose shoul be a concise, well-written statement about an applicant ’ s acaemic an research backgroun, career goals, an how this grauate program will help meet career an eucational objectives.
Personal Statement (PS): The Personal Statement is an essay about how an applicant ’ s backgroun an life experiences, incluing cultural, geographical, financial, an eucational or other opportunities or challenges, motivate the ecision to pursue a grauate egree at the University of Michigan. For example, if an applicant grew up in a community where eucational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, they might iscuss the impact this ha on their evelopment an interests. This shoul be a iscussion of the journey that has le to the ecision to seek a grauate egree.
另外, berkely 的 ME 也要求同时提交 SOP 和 PS 。
To avoi isappointment, we strongly recommen that you fill in the require personal etails on the online application system, submit transcripts, your statement of purpose, an your personal statement well before the 11:59pm ealine.
通过以上对 PS 和 SOP 区别的相关解释,希望大家对他们间的区别有所了解了吧 !
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