说到UBC的宿舍,很多小伙伴都非常的羡慕,不仅仅是漂亮,也是特别的安逸,毕竟温哥华是多年被评为世界最适居城市之一!那今天就和大家说一下UBC 的宿舍申请!
第一种房间类型:Share Room
第二种:Single Traitional Room
再看一下Single Traitional Room 的主要设施
第三种:Connecte Single Room
• Important: Check age eligibility before selecting your preferences . You must meet the age requirement by December 31 of the year you move into resience .
• Things to remember:
• We allow you to rank your preferences (1 = most preferre) but we o not make guarantees.
• Do not select a room type if you are not age eligible.
• First year stuents are typically assigne to Place Vanier, Totem Park an Orchar Commons (incluing Ritsumeikan -UBC House).
• When you select Walter Gage as a preference, please be aware that Pacific Resience is being built next oor. There will be construction noise an traffic isruptions in the area.
把握了以上几点 最后需要做的就是选择自己喜欢的房间类型了,然后提交申请,等待录取!
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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