Cariff University 卡迪夫大学 商学院Don Barry MBA奖学金信息
Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship,该奖学金信息可参考官网链接:
· You must pay your eposit by the ealine state in your original/first offer unless you are grante a eposit extension
· You must accept your offer an meet all the offer conitions, incluing any English Language conitions as state in your offer, by 14 th September 2018.
· Applicants who o not meet the conitions of their offer will not be eligible for the Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship.
· The Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is only available to eligible stuents stuying on the full-time MBA programme
· The application must be submitte to with a ealine of minight Tuesay 31 st July 2018 (UK time)
· Winner to be announce via email on Friay 10 th August 2018
1.0 The Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is a £10,000 awar applie to your first year of stuy only. There is only one scholarship available.
1.1 This will be aware in the form of a tuition fee iscount only an cannot be use in place of any require eposit. No cash alternative is available.
2.0 The Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is for entry into Cariff University in the autumn semester of acaemic year 2018⁄19 only an cannot be use for 2019⁄20 entry or any other year of entry.
2.1 If you are aware the scholarship an wish to efer your entry to the University your scholarship will not be transferre. However, you will be eligible to apply for scholarships applicable for 2019⁄20 entry.
3.0 Future requests for further funing will not be consiere uner this scheme.
4.0 Applicants who are in receipt of any other scholarship, bursary, funing or iscount will not be eligible for this Scholarship.
5.0 The Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is available for full-time an Cariff campus base programmes only.
6.0 You must be confirme as an Overseas Stuent for fee paying purposes (this information is containe in your offer letter).*
7.0 The Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is only available to self-fune stuents.
7.1 If you are in receipt of funing (consisting of either tuition fees or tuition fees an living costs) from an external boy which will be invoice by the University for fees (such as Government, charity or a private organisation) you are not eligible for the Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship.
7.2 This exclues stuents in receipt of eucational loans.
8.0 The Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship is not available to stuents who are initially aware the scholarship but, following enrolment at the University, subsequently transfer to an acaemic programme which is not eligible for the awar of the scholarship.
9.0 You must be able to satisfy all financial requirements as part of your visa application for stuy in the UK. You shoul not be solely relying on receiving the Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship to meet the UKVI financial requirements. Further information on UKVI financial requirements for visa applications can be foun on this web link.
10.0 Please ensure that you have left sufficient time for your application an supporting ocuments to be reviewe an processe before the acceptance ealine note above. This can take up to 10 working ays. Please contact the Amissions Office shoul you have any problems submitting your application or ocuments. Tel: +44 (0) 2920 879999 – office hours are 09.00 – 17.00 GMT, Monay – Friay.
If you are not sure about your eligibility for the scholarship or have any queries, please contact the International Office for avice at
*I f you are assesse as eligible to pay Home fees as the result of a fee query, your fee status will be amene to Home an you will not be eligible for the Cariff Business School Don Barry MBA Scholarship.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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