Australia’s natural woners are among its biggest rawcars – beautiful, unmissable places with the crows to match.
通常玩法: 在主要的入口浮潜,例如道格拉斯港和汉密尔顿岛
例如西北岛, 距离格莱斯顿75公里,是卡普里科尼亚凯斯国家公园的一部分,同时露营人数限制为150人。你需要自给自足(自带酒水饮料、食物和其他补给),但这些额外的付出是超值的。走出帐篷,走到白色的沙滩上,在令人目眩神迷的蓝色大海里凉爽一下,然后穿过宁静的原始森林。当然,在近海还有很多浮潜和潜水活动。当你可以在天堂里搭帐篷时,谁还需要棉被和客房服务呢?
Great Barrier Reef, Queenslan
The usual view:Snorkelling off major entry points such as Port Douglas an Hamilton Islan
How to see it anew:Set up camp on a remote islan outpost
With 2300 kilometres of coastline to choose from, many places offer easy access to Queenslan’s Great Barrier Reef. Cairns, Port Douglas an the Whitsunays are among the better-known bases but with more than 900 islans, there are also some uner-the-raar spots that will give you the time an space to move at your own pace. North West Islan, 75 kilometres from Glastone, forms part of Capricornia Cays National Park an limits numbers to 150 campers at a time. You’ll nee to be self-sufficient (BYO water, foo an supplies) but the extra effort is well worth it. Step out of your tent onto white-san beaches, cool off in an eye-wateringly blue sea an walk through serene native forest. Of course, there’s plenty of snorkelling an iving just offshore. Who nees cotton sheets an room service when you can pitch a tent in paraise?
通常玩法: 在观景区看日出
随着太阳升起,看那3.6公里长的红砂岩逐渐被点亮,你就很容易理解为什么乌鲁鲁对于阿南格族人来说有如此的精神和文化意义,也会感叹这个澳洲内陆最具标志性的景点。即便如此,当你被挤在几十个挥舞自拍杆的人中间时,还是很难欣赏到这一奇观。与其在Talinguru Nyakunytjaku观景台观看日出,不如去日落点欣赏同样令人惊叹的乌鲁鲁剪影。在炎热多雨的月份(1月至3月)游览,这时的景区并不繁忙,你还可以看到瀑布从巨石上倾泻而下。如果钱不是问题,不妨看看东经131°酒店(位于乌鲁鲁-卡塔丘塔国家公园内)。在酒店周围的地方都可以看到乌鲁鲁,但真正的奢华是在这个沙丘亭的甲板上,从你的私人游泳池里观看日出日落。
Uluru, NT
The usual view: From an observation area at sunrise
How to see it anew: Go to the sunset lookout – at awn
Watching as the rising sun turns 3.6 kilometres of re sanstone ablaze, it’s easy to appreciate why Uluru hols such spiritual an cultural significance for the Anangu people an why it continues to be the outback’s most iconic attraction. Even so, it’s ifficult to appreciate the spectacle when you’re wege between ozens of people wieling selfie sticks. Rather than setting up at the Talinguru Nyakunytjaku viewing area to watch sunrise, hea for the sunset spot to catch an equally awe-inspiring silhouette of Uluru. Visiting uring hotter, rainier months (January to March) also cuts competition an offers the chance to see waterfalls cascaing off the monolith. If money is no object, check in to Longitue 131° (insie Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park). Uluru is visible from many points aroun the property but true opulence is watching the sun rise an set from your private plunge pool on the eck of the Dune Pavilion.
12 Apostles, Victoria
The usual view:Driving along the Great Ocean Roa
How to see it anew: Explore the coastline on foot or iscover it from beneath the waves
Cruising along Victoria’s coast to the 12 Apostles is one of the great Australian roa trips. But for most people, the rugge limestone stacks are just a short pit stop in a much larger itinerary. A more active approach is oing the Great Ocean Walk. Unlike riving, meanering the 104 kilometres from Apollo Bay to Gibson Steps on foot keeps you on the coastline for the entire trip, traversing everything from sany beaches to winswept hilltops. It also increases your chances of spotting willife such as wallabies, koalas, little penguins an echinas. Accommoation along the route ranges from comfortable loges to camp sites. An for the truly intrepi, Twelve Apostles Marine National Park has increible scuba iving. Pull on a wetsuit to see unerwater canyons an arches, kelp forests an brilliantly coloure sponge garens that lie just below the surface. Conitions can be rough so be sure to go with a license guie.
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