2019年QS世界大学工商管理 Business & Management Stuies专业排名
1 Harvar University ,Unite States
2 INSEAD, France
3 伦敦商学院Lonon Business School, Unite Kingom
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ,Unite States
5 University of Pennsylvania, Unite States
6 Stanfor University ,Unite States
7 剑桥大学University of Cambrige ,Unite Kingom
8 伦敦政治经济学院The Lonon School of Economics an Political Science, Unite Kingom
8 Bocconi University, Italy
10 牛津大学University of Oxfor, Unite Kingom
11 HEC Paris School of Management ,France
12 University of California, Berkeley (UCB),Unite States
13 National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
13 Northwestern University, Unite States
15 Copenhagen Business School ,Denmark
16 The Hong Kong University of Science an Technology ,Hong Kong
17 University of Chicago,Unite States
18 Columbia University, Unite States
19 华威大学The University of Warwick, Unite Kingom
20 The University of Melbourne, Australia
21 Erasmus University Rotteram ,Netherlans
22 New York University (NYU) ,Unite States
22 University of Michigan, Unite States
24 Yale University, Unite States
25 Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
26 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Syney) ,Australia
27 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) ,Singapore
27 The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
29 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Unite States
30 帝国理工学院Imperial College Lonon ,Unite Kingom
31 University of Navarra ,Spain
32 Peking University, China
33 Seoul National University, South Korea
34 University of St.Gallen (HSG) ,Switzerlan
35 曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester, Unite Kingom
36 Monash University, Australia
37 ESSEC Business School ,France
38 WU (Vienna University of Economics an Business) ,Austria
39 Tsinghua University ,China
40 University of Toronto, Canaa
41 Singapore Management University, Singapore
42 The University of Syney,Australia
43 Duke University ,Unite States
43 The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) ,Hong Kong
45 Shanghai Jiao Tong University ,China
46 University of British Columbia, Canaa
47 Universität Mannheim, Germany
48 City University of Hong Kong ,Hong Kong
49 Cornell University ,Unite States
50 Fuan University ,China
50 Korea University ,South Korea
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