我们都知道,申请港校常规需要准备的文书材料有 简历、推荐信以及个人陈述 。
值得注意的是很多专业在申请的时候都会有提交如cover sheet 或 Score Calculation Template,我们暂时不做盘点哦,因为这类材料都是需要在网申开始后才可以下载填写的,无法提前准备。
另外,很多专业都有written statement 或 statement of purpose 的要求,其实都是属于PS这一大类中的,故我们也不进行盘点哈。
第一类是文学类专业 ,部分文学类的专业需要提交written sample;这类一般要求不是特别高,主要是想看下基本的写作能力或者研究能力,可以修改下之前写过的课程作业进行提交。
第二类是传媒类专业,部分传媒类的专业需要提交作品或作品集,这类可以整理自己之前发表过的 稿件、拍摄作品、设计作品 等,上传至网站或网页;整理一个作品清单。
第三类是设计类专业,包括建筑以及服装设计等,这类专业就需要准备 正式的作品集 ,展示自己的设计理念以及应用的专业技术了。
英语研究 MA English Stuies
需要writing sample, 800-1000 wors in Times New Roman with fontsize 11, save in one-page ocument in JPEG format
艺术史 Master of Arts in the fiel of Art History
需要an acaemic or professional writing sample in English
建筑学 Master of Architecture
必须提供作品集A4 lanscape orientation in PDF format; 20 pages; 30 MB file sizelimit, Incluing acaemic esign work an professional work
景观建筑学 Master of Lanscape Architecture
必须提供作品集A4 lanscape orientation in PDF format; 20 pages; 30 MB file sizelimit, Incluing acaemic esign workan professional work
新闻学 Master of Journalism
工作党需要3 - 6 publishe articles / Links to personal blogs or social meiasites, self-prouce vieos, pocasts, TV news spots or igital news spots(please specify your role for co-prouce pieces)不接受学校课程作品
英语文学研究硕士MA in English (Literary Stuies)
需要a short writing sample (1,000 – 1,500 wors), preferably a scholarlyessay written on a topic relate to literature or the humanities. A creativewriting sample is also acceptable
建筑学硕士 Master of Architecture
城市设计硕士 MSc in Urban Design
需要提供做经济Portfolio incluing:
Selection of previous school work - Evience of youresign abilities
Practical work with eclaration an comment on your owncontribution
商学院 所有专业
创意媒体(艺术硕士) MFA Creative Meia
作品集包括摄影、绘画、雕塑、音乐、电影、软件、多媒体、学术或创意写作等形式 PDF格式 15MB以内 10页以内 5个以内超链接视频要上传到网站如YouTube 有独立的作品集上传系统
服装及纺织品设计 Master of Arts in Fashion an Textile Design
需要提供作品集:Samples of work in PDF format in your online portfolio shoulinclue esign evelopment, esign presentation sheets, pages from sketchbooksan visuals of garments/proucts/textiles.
设计硕士Design Practices, Interaction Design, International Design anBusiness Management an Urban Environments Design specialisms.
A Portfolio is require, portfolio will bereviewe once. Acceptable formats inclue Digital Copy an OnlinePortfolio/Personal Website.Digital Copies shoul be limite to a file size of10MB or below. Online Portfolio: You can inicate the URL of your “PersonalWebsite” eAmission. The URL shoul enable reviewers to access an view aportfolio online without neeing to ownloa it. Portfolios must be in English.
国际新闻学硕士Master of Arts (MA) in International Journalism Stuies
a sample of apiece of journalism or research paper or similar work
传媒管理硕士 Master of Social Sciences (MSocSc) in Meia Management
a sample of publication or research paper written by theapplicant
影视与新媒体制片管理硕士Master of Arts (MA) in Proucing for Film,Television an New Meia
视觉艺术硕士 Master of Arts (MA) in Visual Arts
Applicants have to eclare their intene concentration(Stuio & Meia Arts or Craft & Design) as well as to submit a stuyproposal for the SMA/CD Stuio Project in the amission exercise
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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