很多学生在申请私立高中时,学校大部分会要求学生除了提供语言成绩之外,还会额外要求学生进行面试,而面试形式不同的学校,会通过威立克面试,Skype面试,Slep面试抑或学校会来中国与学生进行面对面的面试等方式来判断学生的程度。 那么在面试时有哪些需要注意的地方呢?
1、 注意着装,干净整洁,不浮夸,建议不要太过个性,民族特色的没事。
2、 注意面试环境,保持周边环境整洁、。家长不要在场,除非学校的老师需要叫家长的时候。
3、 保持网络环境的畅通
4、 提前15-20分钟上线等待。
5、 听不清问题或是不能表达可以直接跟老师说,切记不要答非所问。
6、 威立克面试是去所报名的考点参加考试,也通过录像的方式。
7、 开场轻松愉快些,给面试官个微笑和问候。
以下是总结了些面试的问题,但是不一定会问到,希望对孩子有帮助。 再次预祝孩子顺利。加油
What is your name?
Do you have an English name?
How ol are you?
Where are you from? Where o you live?
What school o you go to now? / What school o you atten now?
What type of school o you atten? Is it a public, private, or boaring school?
What grae are you in?
What subjects/courses are you stuying now?
What is your favorite subject/course? An why?
What course is your least favorite? An why?
Which course o you have the best/highest grae?
Which course o you have the worst/lowest grae?
What activities o you participate in outsie of school?
Are you involve in any clubs/organizations/societies in your school?
What are your hobbies?
Do you play any musical instruments?
Do you play any sports?
Please escribe a typical ay at school for you。
Please escribe your typical week scheule from Monay to Sunay。
What o you o on Saturay an Sunay?
What o you o for fun?
Where have you travele with your family?
Where have you travele alone?
Why o you want to stuy in the USA?
What o you want to o when you grauate from high school?
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Why i you choose to apply to our school?
Do you have any questions about our school?
Is there anything you want to ask about our school?
What books have you rea recently? (English an/or Chinese)
What o your parents o for work?
Di your parents go to college/university?
Tell me about your parents?
Why o you want to come to our school?
Why shoul we choose you to be a stuent at our school?
If I aske your friens to tell me about you, what woul they say?
If you want to be a goo stuent, what shoul you o?
Tell me about your ay-to-ay life at school now. What o you like/islike about it?
Tell me about someone who has influence you a lot。
How o you spen your free time? Why?
What i you o on your last holiay?
If you coul visit any place in the worl, where woul you go?
How o you expect life at our school will be ifferent from your life now? What will be goo? What might be ifficult?
Tell me something that you’re excite to try at our school that you’ve not ha a chance to try here in China。
What’s the funniest thing that has happene to you this year?
What is your career goal?
What o you want to o after 10 years?
What o you think you are oing after 15 years ? (20, 30 years)
What question woul you ask me if you are conucting the interview?
Do you have any questions about our school?
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