Programme escription 专业简介
Goo management is central to business success. Without it, there can be no
cohesion, no teamwork, no real sense of irection. This programme is
esigne therefore to provie an insight into the theories an practical skills
neee for successful management an through that - a successful business.
It is especially beneficial for those with non-business backgrouns, perhaps in
engineering, sciences, social sciences or the arts. It can be equally as effective
for those yet to begin their career as those looking to make significant
progress in one alreay begun.
Blening classic management techniques with the very latest in
management thinking, the MSc in Management encompasses international
issues an iverse national business characteristics an settings.
This intensive an emaning programme is purposely esigne towars
practice orientation, supplementing the knowlege participants have
alreay acquire - either in business or in their unergrauate stuies - with
a thorough insight into moern management practice.
Programme structure 课程结构
Learning will primarily be through lectures, set reaing, class iscussions,
exercises, group-work assignments, solving problems in tutorials an case
stuies. Assessment methos inclue examinations, assignments,
presentations or continuous assessment.
MSc Management programme structure overview 管理学硕士课程结构概述
During the course of their stuies stuents will have gaine knowlege an
unerstaning to be able to:
· Demonstrate a general knowlege framework an unerstaning of
key functions in management as applie in practice.
· Obtain through electives in-epth knowlege an unerstaning in
more specific management relate areas.
· Ientify an appreciate the ethical issues in management ecision
· Obtain an unerstaning of how to unertake qualitative an
quantitative research an apply this knowlege in the context of a
major inepenent work (e.g. final issertation).
Management Programme Structure课程结构
This programme runs for one acaemic year, starting in mi-September an ening in August. At the start of the programme, you stuy compulsory courses, which are unertaken in semester one. These are the founation upon which the whole MSc is built an ensure a common basis of knowlege across the ifferent areas.
A comprehensive Welcome Week provies an introuction to the programme, the School, an the University. Designe to be both informative an fun, it enables you to get acquainte with your classmates.
Through the selection of various option courses, you can tailor your stuies towars your career interests.
Finally, your MSc issertation brings all of the year’s learning together in a piece of work unique to each stuent.
Semester 1:September–December学期1: 9月-12月
Option Courses (Choose 4)选修课程(选择4门)**
Accounting an Financial Management会计和财务管理
Economics an Business Analytics经济与商业分析
Marketing Management营销管理
Organisational Behaviour组织行为学
Service Management服务管理
The Entrepreneurial Challenge: Creating a New Venture创业挑战:创建一个新的企业
Semester 2:January–May第二学期:1月至5月
Qualitative Research Methos OR Quantitative Research Methos 定性研究方法或定量研究方法
Global Financial Markets an Emerging Economies全球金融市场和新兴经济体
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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