香港大学工程(电气和电子工程)专业有四个方向,我们先来看第一个方向 General
Roun 1 (Main): December 31, 2018
Roun 2 (Clearing): 12:00 noon (HKT), April 15, 2019
Comply with the University Entrance Requirements; an
Hol a Bachelor's egree in a relevant fiel (Engineering or Computer Science) of this University or a comparable institution accepte for this purpose.
雅思A minimum overall ban of 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5
Subject Groups A. General
ELEC6008 Pattern recognition an machine learning 模式识别与机器学习
ELEC6027 Integrate circuit systems esign 集成电路系统设计
ELEC6036 High performance computer architecture 高性能计算机体系结构
ELEC6043 Digital image processing 数字图像处理
ELEC6049 Digital system esign techniques 数字系统设计技术
ELEC6063 Optoelectronics an lightwave technology 光电子和光波技术
ELEC6067 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology an applications磁共振成像技术及其在生物医学超声中的应用
ELEC6079 Biomeical ultrasoun 生物医学信号和系统
ELEC6081 Biomeical signals an systems 绿色项目管理
ELEC6092 Green project management 数据存储及新兴应用工
ELEC6105 Magnetics engineering for ata storage an emerging applications 数据存储及新兴应用工程
ELEC6601 Inustrial marketing 工业营销
ELEC6602 Business venture in China 在华创业
ELEC6603 Success in inustrial entrepreneurship E 工业创业成功E
LEC6604 Neural networks, fuzzy systems an genetic algorithms 神经网络、模糊系统及遗传算法
ELEC7078 Avance topics in electrical an electronic engineering电气和电子工程中的高级主题
ELEC7079 Investment an traing for engineering stuents 算法交易与高频交易
ELEC7080 Algorithmic traing an high frequency traing 计算金融高级课题
ELEC7081 Avance topics in computational finance 计算金融高级课题
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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