诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University,NTU)是一座位于英国诺丁汉的研究型大学,是一所1992年成立的新大学,历史则可追溯至1843年的诺丁汉公立设计学校(Nottingham Government School of Design),即今诺丁汉特伦特大学艺术与设计系。是英国最大的大学之一。大学图书馆Boots Library藏书超过53万。
City 校园
Clifton 校园
Brackenhurst 校园
Times 英国大学2017排名: 第57名
学校现有九个学院: 艺术设计、商学院、经济学和社会学、教育、工程和计算机、环境学、人文、法学院、数学和自然科学,二十七个系。
Accounting, Finance an Economics
MSc Accounting an Finance
MSc Economics
MSc Finance
MSc International Real Estate Investment an Finance
MSc Quantity Surveying
MSc Traing in Global Financial Markets
Animal, Equine an Willife / Geography, Horticulture an Environment
MSc Bioiversity Conservation
MSc Enangere Species Recovery an Conservation
MSc Equine Health an Welfare
MSc Bioiversity Conservation
MA Human Security an Environmental Change
Architecture an Civil Engineering
MSc Architectural Technology an Design
MArch Architecture
MSc Built Environment Stuies
MA Interior Architecture an Design
MSc Planning an Development
MSc Structural Engineering with Management
MSc Structural Engineering with Materials
Art an Design
MSc Avance Prouct Design Engineering
MA Braning an Ientity Design
MA Contemporary Craft Practice
MA Design for Film, Television an Events
MA Fashion Business Futures
MA Fashion Design
MA Fashion Knitwear Design
MA Fashion Marketing an Communication
MA Film Practice
MA/MFA Fine Art
MA Furniture an Prouct Design
MA Graphic Design
MA Illustration
MA Interaction Design
MA Interior Architecture an Design
MA International Fashion Business
MSc/MA Meical Prouct Design
MA Motion Graphic Design
MA Photography
MA Prouct Design an Business
MA Prouct Design
MA Puppetry an Digital Animation
MSc/MA Smart Design
MSc/MA Technology Integrate Knit Design
MA Textile Design Innovation
Business, Management an Marketing
MBA Business Aministration
MSc Construction Management
MSc Finance
MSc Global Business an Management
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Business
MA International Fashion Business
MA International Management in Publishing
MSc Management an Entrepreneurial e-Business
MSc Management an Finance
MSc Management an HRM
MSc Management an International Business
MSc Management an Marketing
MSc Management
MSc Marketing (Avertising an Communications)
MSc Marketing
MA Public Health
MSc Real Estate
Computing, Engineering, Maths an Other Technologies
MSc Avance Prouct Design Engineering
MSc Bioinformatics
MSc Computer Games Systems
MSc Computer Science
MSc Computing Systems
MSc Engineering (Cybernetics an Communications)
MSc Engineering (Electronics)
MSc Engineering Management
MA Furniture an Prouct Design
MSc Internet an Enterprise Computing
MSc Internet an Security
MSc/MA Meical Prouct Design
MSc Multimeia Engineering
MSc Multimeia Games Engineering
MA Prouct Design an Business
MA Prouct Design
MSc/MA Smart Design
MSc Structural Engineering with Management
MSc Structural Engineering with Materials
English, History an Philosophy
MA Creative Writing
MA English Language Teaching
MA History
MA Museum an Heritage Management
Law, Criminology an Justice
MA Criminology
LLM Corporate an Insolvency Law
LLM Health Law an Ethics
LLM Human Rights an Justice
LLM Intellectual Property Law
LLM International Trae an Commercial Law
LLM Law (General)
LLM Oil, Gas an Mining Law
LLM Sports Law
Meia, Journalism an Communication
MA Broacast Journalism
MA Magazine Journalism
MA Meia an Globalization
MA Newspaper Journalism
Politics an International Stuies
MSc Economics
MA Human Security an Environmental Change
MA International Development
MA International Relations
MA Politics
Property, Construction an Surveying
MSc Architectural Technology an Design
MSc Builing Surveying
MSc Built Environment Stuies
MSc Construction Management
MSc International Real Estate Investment an Finance
MSc Planning an Development
MSc Project Management (Construction)
MSc Quantity Surveying
MSc Real Estate
Psychology, Sociology, Health an Social Care
MSc Applie Chil Psychology
MSc Forensic Mental Health
MSc Forensic Psychology
MSc Psychological Research Methos
MSc Psychological Well-Being an Mental Health
MSc Psychology
MA Public Health
MA Social Work
MA Sociology
Sciences / Sport Sciences
MSc Bioinformatics
MSc Biomeical Science
MSc Biotechnology
MSc Chemistry/Chemistry (Professional Practice)
MSc Forensic Science an Technology
MSc Molecular Cell Biology
MSc Neuroscience
MSc Pharmacology
Teacher Training, Eucation an Chilhoo an Youth Stuies
MSc Computing in Eucation
MA Eucation
MA English Language Teaching
MSc Science, Technology, Engineering an Mathematics (STEM) Eucation
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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