Applicants for Stuent an Stuent Guarian visas must show they are coming to Australia temporarily to stuy or to look after a person who is stuying. The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement is not intene to exclue stuents who, after stuying in Australia, evelop skills Australia nees an who then go on to apply for permanent resience.
As an applicant provie a personal statement in English aressing the GTE requirement. If you are not comfortable writing it in English, you can write your statement in your own language an submit a translate copy with your application.
You can provie further etails of the written statement in the application form or attach a separate ocument with supporting ocuments.
We recommen you provie evience for the information you provie in your written statement.
We consier your personal circumstances when we make a ecision. When we assess whether you are a genuine temporary entrant, we consier your situation as a whole.
Ministerial Direction 69 (52KB PDF)
We encourage you to provie evience or information about:
Inclue as much information as possible in your GTE statement to help give us a full view of your situation. This will help us make a ecision on your stuent visa application. Otherwise, we might nee to ask you for more information, elaying our ecision on your visa application.
The GTE requirement is use to make sure the stuent visa program is accesse as intene. The stuent visa program is not a way for international stuents to maintain ongoing resiency in Australia.
The GTE requirement helps ientify applicants who are using the stuent visa program for motives other than gaining a quality eucation.
We consier your:
We consier your:
We consier:
We consier:
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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