Step 1: Submit stuent visa application (for non-local stuents only) 递交学生签注申请 ( 只适用于非本地学生 )
Non‐ local stuents who are not in possession of any vali visa/entry permit to stuy in the HKSAR are require to apply for a stuent visa. The application process normally takes aroun 6‐8 weeks. The Immigration Department will take longer time uring the summer peak season. 非本地学生如没有有效签证 / 进入许可来港就读,须申请学生签证。学生签注申请过程通常需要 6 ~ 8 周。入境处会在期延长审理时间。
Step 2: Submit online registration 提交在线注册
Submit online registration at MyCUHK 14 working ays (for non-local stuents) after settling the amission eposit. 非本地学生需要在缴纳留位费后 14 个工作日内完成在线注册
Step 3: Submit ocuments to fulfill Amission Conition(s), if any 递交符合入学条件的文件 ( 如需 )
Sen the require ocuments by mail/by courier to the Grauate School by the conition(s) fulfilment ealine. 按完成期限将所需文件以邮寄 / 速递方式送至研究院。 Stuents amitte to the following programmes, please submit the require ocuments irectly to the Faculty/Division office concerne. 凡修读下列课程的学生,请将所需文件直接交回有关学院 / 分部办事处。
MSc in Finance
TPg programmes of the Faculty of Eucation
Postgrauate Certificate in Laws
Step 4: Complete In-person Documents Verification (for non-local stuents only) 亲自验证文件 ( 只适用于非本地学生 )
Step 5: Activate MyCUHK account 激活我的中大账号
Step 6: Collect your CU Link (Stuent ID Car) 收集中大链接 ( 学生证 )
Step 7: Perform course selection 进行课程选择
The course selection exercise will be conucte in mi-August. Please enrol courses accoring to the stuy scheme an avice from your Division. Details will be announce in late July at the Grauate School Website. 课程选择将于八月中进行。请根据学习计划及所属部门的意见报名参加课程。具体细节将于 7 月底在研究生院网站上公布。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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